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1. Thanks for blog I feel better about my job and my life god bless dude. You’re entitled to work over that (over two jobs), but your main employer needs to know that you’re working above these hours elsewhere. It works. Hello this is my first time posting on this sub. For other Bills like electric,Cellphone bills and water bills. But if you’re still broke at 35, here are 10 likely culprits that you need to fix ASAP: 1. The wage is miserable, I make about $564 net per month for a total of 54 hours a week, when the legal average is $1300 gross for a week of 38h, because my boss (let's call her Meg) can't afford to give me a raise and since I deal with the cash register, I can confirm. Government spending does increase GDP as government spending is directly involved in solving for GDP, however once government spending declines (it will HAVE to eventually, they will run out of money, even if our money is "elastic") GDP will shoot down. If you live at home for free, your mother is helping you. It works to make the rich richer and the poor poorer. While I hadn’t launched my business, I was still working on and improving my future business and myself. Here’s what to do when you’re completely broke with no job. but the best answer is still probably that youre jobs dont pay a damn thing and so youre killing yourself working two jobs where as someone with a skill is able to earn as much or more money than you in half the time. We put a sign on the door to let potential customers know that they have to address the office for inquiry. whatever problems your employer has are NOT your problems. IM NOT TRYING TO HEAR THAT BULL*&%!!!! 2. How much should I expect for delivery of a couch (the guy is avoiding the price)? Money: That's still the biggest reason people take on extra work. They are pretty outragous too, Those things could be a lot cheaper but the greedy people who run it want the money. It’s hard work being poor in America. DONT TELL ME I NEED TO LEARN HOW TO SPEND MONEY I EARN THE HARD HONEST WAY!!! Hence though I'm always working, (I was even called on my day off a lot because of local fairs and extra deliveries) I'm still officially unemployed. It took a long time to dig out of the hole. In the meantime you have to CUT EVERYTHING out of your life that is NOT ESSENTIAL. If most people in the US are struggling, broke and losing jobs, how can plumbers and electricians make a living and survive? I am trying to 100% pay off my student loans, all my bills including car payments, in 2 years and 9 months, currently worked the 2 full-time jobs for almost 6 months, in fact, I work from 6:30 a.m. until midnight, I work my first job 6:30 – 3, then 3:30 to midnight, I have one cup of coffee, around 8 a.m. every morning, and it keeps me pretty energized, I get home around 12:13 … Also consider looking for jobs that pay better, to get the leg up. Needless to say, I didn't get an extra. So really your doing really well, your in College and still have time to work two jobs. Plus you would have more free time. In the beginning, I even had to take on a part-time job to make ends meet. Working Full Time and Still Poor. Some people work two jobs out of choice, like a full-time web developer who also moonlights as a coding instructor to help the community. You seem to have plenty of experience. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Just getting started here and still in a learning curve. This Meg woman is practically utilizing you as slave labor. I work two jobs, go to school and hope to be successful here in order to pay my way through college. ...where as you are just killing yourself and getting frustrated because even though you are doing 10X the work as these other people you are seeing 1/10 the results. Missing bitcoins and ethereum on Do you feel rich people are jerks? Your second is your actual job. so he sold it and it help alot. Keep going to college and find yourself a good job. When it happens, I open the door (that otherwise stays locked) and turn into a shop assistant again. Working more than two jobs can lead to exhaustion and sleep deprivation. I've managed to support myself through two years of college and I'm about to start my third year. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the personalfinance community. Here’s how to handle working two jobs – and survive to tell the story. Do you feel having money invites trouble? Is there any way I can still get my stimulus check? Im 23 and I know it. If need be take her to court because she isn't paying you the legal minimum. I have a full-time job, a part-time job, and my wife works full-time. I work full time as an accountant and I go to school full time at night and on the weekends. Tl;dr I work as a shop assistant and office clerk for my boss at the same time, salary is beyond low and I still have to live with my mother because I can't afford to move out. by Emily Jane Fox @emilyjanefox December 12, 2013: 9:28 AM ET . maybe you can look at way to cut your cost. In these cases, be empowered to push back. You are being taken advantage of. I'm going to quit as soon as possible, the only reason I'm staying is to get the money for a driving license and learn something more to update my resume with. My factory friends were sad to see me go, but they understood. You have enough experience now to move on, I would suggest that you start searching for a similar role elsewhere that will give you a proper contract and salary for your hard work. can't afford to give me a raise and since I deal with the cash register, I can confirm. Plus your car insurance will go down while your salary goes up. Then why do they charge money for them? Subsidize Your Skill Development. I apologize, but this answer isn't logical. I dont have poor management with my money, I HAVE BILLS!!! Professional development . It's not about fake self-confidence or bravado, but about how you truly value and appreciate yourself. The shop is now situated next an office managed by Meg and is at a loss. We can’t do everything by ourselves and it’s nothing wrong with reaching out to someone with better … By Sally Steenland February 20, 2013, 9:08 am. I attended courses, internships and got some interviews before being hired as a shop assistant … Government can not create jobs. make a clean break asap. Juggling two jobs, however, isn’t feasible for everyone. Still have questions? She can either pay you a legal wage, or decide to close shop. Do I have to purchase a new package to return items to Amazon? For example He say's " The gas prices are going up because we need money to supply the troops." As you grow older, wiser, more educated you will be able to make more money. there was a teacher asking a student why he needed 2 job the student said he had to keep up with his car payment while he lives on campus. Also, the benefit of having two jobs is that you get to build up experience in the field that you are most interested in while working another job that helps you cover your expenses. In February 2017 the shop moved its location and I clocked out way beyond my due time in the weeks before the inauguration. Whenever you worry, remember this mantra. If this happens and you lose your primary job, you will still have the other one as a backup. Everyone keeps it so secretive, and you work for a company whose job is to get the most out of you for the least amount possible. it'll collapse sooner or later regardless, you ABSOLUTELY don't want to be around for that shit in any way. Do you feel the only way to get it is by struggling? Here’s how. It was a big burden off my shoulder. When you shuttle back and forth between two jobs, you’ve got to tack on extra expenses for gas money and food because you may not be able to eat at home as often. You are earning too little to cover your bills. It wasn't the type of work that I felt I would enjoy, but it would allow me to only have to work one job. We have financial struggle based on past problems (credit debt, debt to my ex-wife, etc.). 1, the easier no. This is around the time I met and married my current wife. If you lose one of your two jobs, you’ll still have a part of your income to tide you over. I hate dealing with pay and salaries. I work 4 jobs and I'm still struggling. yes, you can have 2 jobs and still be broke. It also protects you from the risk of losing your primary income source. You’re Still Earning “Starting Pay” At Your Day Job 10 Years Later. Let’s be real: if you decide to take on a part-time job, you’re doing it because you want the extra cash. I'm a 20 year old college student who has been living on my own since I was 16. Anyone else felt like this? We worked out a strict family budget (we have 3 kids), and are able to manage our finances only by following the budget. So they have more free time, are less stressed, and are able to invest more into personal relationships. Money is just a currency for exchanging energy. I don't have a driving license and my mother stopped helping me economically after I finished school so I needed an income asap. Hello this is my first time posting on this sub. Life is ALL about what I call "the multiplying effect". This growth that we had in the last quarter was an illusion. Press J to jump to the feed. When work takes over, the other things … 349 Broke jobs available on It could be receiving something free, getting a discount on something you need, having people donate time to help you learn something valuable. We bought a house a few minutes before the housing bubble burst in 2006 and ended up juggling our … This is just a part of life! Same as the rest of us. 3. I'd like to share my latest experience. Your Expenses May Rise. In fact, working the night shift has been proven to lead to weight gain and diabetes. Im going through the same thing man. you didnt mention anything about your bills or your living arangements so there is no way we can really answer you. Also doesn't it state in one of the laws that the cost of surviving is free , like Food and water? And with gas prices and health insurance premiums on the rise and many incomes frozen, extra income can be a lifeline. Her struggles to run the business are not your problem. Work work work…still broke October 26, 2011 twentysomethingdilemma Leave a comment Go to comments In this economy one can expect that finding the “perfect job” with the “perfect salary”will not come easy. Everybody has issues that they run into, and everyone needs advice every now … Do you feel you don't deserve it? It is not always about overall bad budgeting skills, but we did discover we were spending a lot of money we did not need to on impulse shopping and excessive dining out. If someone can walk up to me and say 'I work two jobs to make ends meet; I'm doing it -RIGHT-' I'm going to look at them like they just sprouted a fern bush from their left nostril. Speaking of legal, though Meg said she was going to hire me, I expected a contract that never came. Live comes with debt. That can mean internet access in your apartment, cable TV, cell phone... if it isn't food, shelter or transportation to and from work or isn't essential. They are some of the most generous loan terms you will ever find, and you don't have to pay them back until you graduate and get a good job. I actually sold my car to pay off my credit card. But through the years, I’ve learned a thing or two about working for myself, and how to do it without going broke. Get your answers by asking now. Here are some of the advantages and disadvantages to taking on a side job while you’re working full time. Obama's bills are not staying out of the way; they are slowing long term growth. As for the job search think about what you're good at and apply where they can use people with your skills. Your first job is to help other people. Are you applying for other shopkeeping jobs? My experience is typical of people with job over broke and has obligations. It also helps me perform better at each job. 1. I work two jobs and go to college. Money is a reflection of how much you love and value yourself. 10 Reasons You're Still Broke You have a job, maybe even a good one, but your paychecks never seem to stretch as far as you think they should and ends never quite seem to … They need more money to finance the supply for the wars that Bush is pushing his hardest. Join Yahoo Answers and get 100 points today. I worked two jobs for a while when a hospital stay hiked up my credit card. I've got huge goals! If you are working a 9-to-5 and are living obviously, just over broke where you have to budget everything down to the T and are most likely unable to treat yourself when you feel the need, having to count on each paycheck just to get by, then I can almost guarantee you that there is another way to grow your stream of income by: Evidence of that is in the failed stimulus. Employment. I can understand that part but raising gas is not necessary. I go out to eat quite often. I make pretty good money. What I found when juggling two jobs is that sometimes you might get pressure from your secondary job to do and work more. That really is the only answer. If you’re on the verge of losing your mind (or quitting your extra jobs), try these five tips to get back on track. Because if you do, you will appreciate your talents and skills that are marketable to the world. Others might find their 9 to 5 job boring or unfulfilling, so they look for … You may be entitled to additional benefits if your second job is considered covered employment. It’s a great idea to talk about your situation with someone that can help you work through it. The better you are at no. Having two jobs gives you the chance to develop further professionally. And darling? If you are going right from one job to the next or if you are working late nights at one of your jobs, you may have an even higher risk of becoming sleep deprived or suffering from exhaustion. I'm 25, I live in Italy and still at home. maybe it would be a good idea to go to a technical college this summer and get yourself a skill that way youre not so damn broke all the time. Find different employment. I work there from 9am to 1pm and from 3pm to 7pm, Mon-Sat. Stop letting her take advantage of you. Working two jobs can become more manageable and even enjoyable if you keep in mind the following principles, as well as a clear view of why you decided to tackle two jobs, as that is your ultimate saving grace. r/Advice: This is a place where you can ask for advice on any subject. You need to go to an attorney and sue her for underpayment, overtime pay, taxes, and a whole list of illegal things. There are two reasons someone doesn't have enough money...either too little on the revenue side or too much on the expense side....since you say your expenses are in order and not out of hand...then it is the revenue side. Most everything I did was either free or very cost effective. Juggling two jobs is almost impossible if you lack programming. If the government stays out of the way, the markets will slowly move to equilibrium. Two jobs and still broke. I work two jobs but am somehow still homeless and broke. So he pretty much figure out that he didn't need 2 job to make a car payment. ....or is that just me? Grab a third job or a higher paying second job. Pro: more money! Few weeks ago, since I was basically starting to twiddle my thumbs, my boss told me that she needed another office clerk, so I joined the staff. Ever consider a student loan to help you get through? BUT, it is true. I'm 25, I live in Italy and still at home. DONT WASTE TIME ANSWERING THE QUESTION IF YOU DONT HAVE A LOGICAL ANSWER!!! Let the markets dictate what happens with the economy. Learn about budgeting, saving, getting out of debt, credit, investing, and retirement planning. I have two Nissans(89 Sentra, which I paid $350 for, 98 Altima) and so does my husband (02 Sentra Spec-V) and they all run great and the 89 Sentra has over 250,000 miles, no lie, and still runs great. FUCK THAT SHIT. Despite spending my day buried in taxes paperwork and various documents, I'm also in charge of the shop. Description: Hi! If you think beyond the concept of money to consider abundance, then you open yourself up to even more opportunities. I've never really posted here before but I needed to get this out or I'll burst. I’m … If you were me, how would you handle this situation? I attended courses, internships and got some interviews before being hired as a shop assistant in June 2016. Programme for Success. I'd like to share my latest experience. Well The government now days are pretty greedy. I’ve been working two jobs for several months now, and while I still don’t have that balance down pat, I have picked up a few strategies that have made my work-packed life a little easier. I draw and paint. To help, think about what belief structures you have that might be blocking you from abundance. As you said your in college which probably means your 20-25 years old. I don't have a driving license and my mother stopped helping me economically after I finished school so I needed an income asap. Sometimes other people may have a perspective or idea that you hadn’t considered and may be beneficial. Join our community, read the PF Wiki, and get on top of your finances! I have a house. Quite simply, working many jobs makes me happier and leaves me more fulfilled. We offer free consultations, so it does not cost you anything to make sure you … How do you think about the answers? Security: \"Many professionals today are looking at second jobs as a fallback because they feel, correctly, that their main job is not completely safe,\" according to John McKee, president and founder of BusinessS… 2 becomes. It took a long time to dig out of the hole. Just put the thought out there that you want to be abundant and then stop worrying about it. In terms … he mentions hes got an idea of the cashflow of the place and that he believes she doesn't have the money... if thats actually the case theres unlikely to be any money to claw back from a lawsuit, making the point a bit moot. yes, you can have 2 jobs and still be broke. since gas price pretty much have a big bite out of our wallet. I took it to keep from dying of exhaustion. The best part about all of this was that it was easy to balance these activities with my full-time job because I wasn’t in a hurry and could do these things on my own time. What needs to happen is a slow reduction in government spending and complete free markets. I make about $564 net per month for a total of 54 hours a week, when the legal average is $1300 gross for a week of 38h, because my boss (let's call her Meg) can't afford to give me a raise and since I deal with the cash register, I can confirm. i'd say get a different job, right now, any job. My major is interior design. But you really need to cut out things like eating out, going to bars, movies, sports.. in order to dig yourself out of the hole. I get the same salary as before, even if I have two jobs and I go home past 8pm (the office is supposed to close at 7pm). Hawaii's recovery shows what went wrong elsewhere, Penn: Celeb obsession put 'failed businessman' in WH, Scientists were able to shoot down cancer's 'death star', Report: 2 kids hurt in crash involving Andy Reid's son, Amazon is selling Apple's AirPods for rare low price, Netflix series cheerleaders linked to sexual misconduct, Hawley's wife files criminal complaint over protest, $1,400 stimulus checks to come within week of approval, Ex-Titans defensive lineman dies at 48 after cancer battle, 'Fuller House' star opens up on Christmas photo flap, Pro-Trump host's show on Fox network canceled. Everyone is broke in college, unless mommy and daddy are paying for everything. Feb 4, 2020 - Shop Women's Meet the Posher size OS Other at a discounted price at Poshmark. Don't be afraid to get a Mcjob. My tasks are: dealing with customers, talking to providers, filling order forms, cleaning the shop and also being in charge of the register. Why did the US Government tell me this about Jamaica, if Jamaica is so great according to you? I worked two jobs for a while when a hospital stay hiked up my credit card. Find Quick Fixes for Life Tasks. her "business" doesn't sound like its long for this world if she can't afford to actually pay anywhere near a legal wage. Live this blog work retail job 35-40 hours part time may have second job to pay off 6,000 credit card debit from moving and such, car note bills I know America struggles but having two jobs is a blessing and can still take a vacation when get it and less money problems. You will make money some day. I had to work full-time last year in addition to being in school full-time. Well those are the "broke" years. Working two jobs means less time to exercise (unless your second job involves exercise, that is). I admire you, keep up the good work! : Very ambitious, willing to give everything, but completely lost!. I'd like to point out that one of my colleagues at the office is making 160$ per month and she doesn't seem to notice the issue. I'm Amy. You can sign in to vote the answer. We aren't complaining that he is not concentrating on jobs, we are complaining that he is trying to be the solution and making things worse. Apply to Helper, Manager in Training, Customer Service Representative and more! If you trust in your abilities and believe, truly believe deep inside, that you are deserving of abundance, it will come to you. And, you will be open to opportunities that could bring you more money. The business is not run by her, Meg is a representative of a corporation and she just owns a satellite office. Also, you might have to settle for less in the short term to achieve what you want in the long term. This is what it was all about, working all day Saturday and Sunday, until mid afternoon to able to take my family for ice cream. get out of there now and find an employer that can pay you what you deserve. What other jobs are available in your community. You gotta live, eat, and pay rent even if that means working the crappiest job ever. It's hard, but if you are really struggling, you gotta do what you gotta do. I drive a brand new car. If you were working two jobs at the time of your workplace injury, call our office to consult with a West Palm Beach workers’ comp attorney before agreeing to any amount of average weekly wages. The idea of people having second jobs have changed since 2000, where now some people have two second jobs, which does not add to one first job. How much does it cost per year to operate Amazon (The Company) ?? Go tell her thank you already. I'm artistically gifted. Abundance isn't just about getting money. I’ve been working as a freelancer for about 10 years now, and let me tell you: there have been some prosperous times and some lean times. … Sleep deprivation, unless mommy and daddy are paying for everything hello this is slow! I expected a contract that never came doing really well, your mother helping... Income to tide you over for less in the beginning, I was 16 of your finances when takes. Jobs available on 10 years later to support myself through two years of college and I out! Can ask for advice on any subject can pay you a legal wage, or to... At way to CUT everything out of the keyboard shortcuts keep up the good work on problems! Representative and more into a shop assistant … Government can not be posted and votes can be! Honest way!!!!!!!!!!!!! Abundant and then stop worrying about it legal wage, or decide to shop. To let potential customers know that they have to settle for less in meantime... 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