The only way to gang up on someone with a large gap is the Raditz method. 14 and 15 finally eliminated the Cell Jr's. 3K Views. @jack_hart: The OP says that these are ToP versions. Genre ! ... Sep 15, 2017. From what I recall Vegeta states his name as Super Vegeta twice, once against Android 19 and once against Semi Cell. They both have their own continuities. I mean, before the tournament of power Bulla had barely any hair on her head but in DBS Broly she had a full head of hair. And what is this talk about soulmates through time? He could perform better than someone stronger than him/them. Wednesday, 15 April 2020. By a bug no less. using the T.O.P as evidence for 17 being on tier with SSB is foolish, there was no killing allowed in the T.O.P so clearly Jiren isn't going to try his hardest to take out 17...he would kill him if he did. Audio From Dragon Ball Z Abridged: Episode 39 ... 2019-11-15 21:52:34. For some reason the writers kept wanking 17 and let him perform above his pay grade against Jiren. He ends up just a bit stronger than 17 or just as strong as him. Frieza was not ever in any real danger and would have eventually tagged him. Free shipping. 21 bids. Vegeta VS Mewtwo? He’s way faster and more durable plus Vegeta will never be able to get passed his barriers. both from android saga.everything is the same, except ssj vegeta has limitless stamina just like 18i think vegeta wins IMAGE DETAILS. He was already comparable, if not superior to 17 in the ToP. Piccolo just made sure Gohan didn't get eliminated early on. 2400x2700px 2.01 MB. Which is it?? Credits & Info. So I would say in his evolved state Vegeta should stomp. While his speed did annoy Frieza. re: Super Vegeta vs. Super Android 13 well cell got a much bigger boost when he was perfect cos 17 and 18 > 14 and 15. and 14 and 15 are purely mechanical. Super Vegeta would beat him easily, nothing Super Android 13 did puts him above Android 16 IMO. Powered by neoforums v3.6.0c Copyright Neo Era Media, Inc. 1999-2020. Who exactly is Super Vegeta? It was pretty much stated in the manga that gohan was the most strongest fighter on after goku and vegeta. In the anime, 17 was clearly the stronger than Gohan. Digitalso. Just as strong and fast. Download free Dragonball wallpapers and desktop backgrounds! And we know they’re always training so they would have gotten stronger. It's Saiyan versus Saiyan in this next epic battle! Could go either way but I'm leaning toward 17 based on their performances in the Tournament of Power. @king789: no if I had to put him in any tier then he is weakee then Hogan at least. 14: We must find Android 13. Select the picture you want 3. 18 android ball battle dbz dragon vegeta z. @kingxix: I'd probably put Piccolo over the androids. 8 Comments. Instead, they should scale to base Android Saga Goku with Dr. Gero tanking Goku's punch to the face. And having the loss of his life in an inaccurate future thrown in his face made him furious. SS Vegeta: 280-300 million. Chapter 87: Vegeta vs Perfect Cell. My mistake. He can overpower 17 long before stamina becomes an issue. 7 months ago Even stating that he still believed he could win a fight against him had Vegeta not stepped in. So I thought you were talking about the thread. Great pic. As far as feats are concerned. Even the strongest person that he eliminated. 17 is more so mid to high SSG tier. Uploaded Nov 15, 2019 7:25 PM EST. EDIT: Personally I have 17 as above ToP Gohan but below ssj Blue. XImmortalAresX Uploaded by XImmortalAresX on Dec 6, 2015 . Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 3 Vegeta vs Android 19. 15: Are you sure? Features: - Best selection of Goku VS Vegeta wallpaper (including other cartoon characters) in HD quality - High screen image resolution (720p x 1024p) - Save wallpaper in the phone - Share wallpapers on social media How to use the app: 1. 4:51. Free shipping. @alextheboss: That is indeed true Android 17 was a bit inconsistent. Reply. 15: Now what? 17. @the_hajduk: Even after Vegeta beat Toppo? But she had much better feats than Piccolo. Way too durable, has infinite stamina and strength to keep up with and put Vegeta down. It's also stated Frieza got Much more powerful since the T.O.P arc. Post-ToP it's widely acknowledged that Goku and Vegeta are top 2 on Earth even before their new training while 17 is comfortably below Gohan and maybe even Piccolo. Sep 14, 2017. re: Goku, Vegeta, and Trunks vs. Android 18 Only if one of them is willing to die to hold 17 down while another fires a KKH. Death Battle. Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Share to Pinterest. DBZ Remastered Android 18 Breaks Vegetas Arm (2K HD) ... Vegeta vs Android 19 & Dr. Gero. However, the same wiki gives Frieza's full power level as 120 million. Vegeta's pride takes a bone shattering hit from Android 18. Great Job! You might, maybe, be able to argue that he was stronger than 18. this Broly DBS Movie SSB Vegeta? Him in ssb is essentially equal to ssb Goku. Which Gap Is Bigger? In West City... Vegeta stood there with a lump in his throat, watching as Cell tested out his new form. However, the Final Flash is almost always at max power. Piccolo either trained in the year timeskip while Vegeta was out in space looking for Goku and let the gap close. 100 Favourites. Sep 13, 2017. Michaelcoultard10. @the_hajduk: what evidence is there that Vegeta and Goku got stronger post-ToP/post-Broly? But if we take what Goku and Dende said about Android 17 seriously then he is atleast on SSB Tier or a bit above. The revelations involving his son from the Future and the inaccuracies of the warnings had made him angry. I really like Piccolo but that's what happened to him. By feats Gohan we can only assume that he surpasses the likes of Android 18 and Piccolo with a rage boost. 1:42. Free shipping. But I doubt it. @mee09: I'm talking post-ToP. Dragon Ball Z. Who was shown to be on a level notably below Golden Frieza, Goku, and Vegeta. ... And yet it’s already confirmed that there’s going to be an entire episode devoted to Vegeta vs Jiren. Shop Vegeta vs. Android 19 dragon ball z onesies designed by SykoticApparel as well as other dragon ball z merchandise at TeePublic. He was able to hurt Jiren multiple times and held his own against GoD Toppo. Lets go to 13 vs Cell She's definitely not on 17's level (I think. if so then this is a complete 1 sided fight, Vegeta Lol Curb stomps 17. @kingxix: Perhaps but Goku and Dende think otherwise. Vegeta stomps him. 17 is also repeatedly stated to be leagues beyond Frieza, even at his most powerful. Vegeta stomps. Super Sayian Blue Beyond should beat 17 though . In the original concept art drawn by Akira Toriyama, Android 15 is labeled as Android 14 and Android 14 is labeled as Android 15, but the anime staff switched their names around due to the story development and other circumstances. Will her knowledge as an archaeologist help her survive during these dark and primitive times? not organic.but maybe super 13 > … While 17 was portrayed to be on their level. The monster clenched his fists hard enough to make ever muscle on his arms swell, and then he released them. 1 of 2 Go to page. იანვარი 15, 2015. Vegeta Vs Android 18 - Desktop Nexus Anime Download free wallpapers and background images: Vegeta Vs Android 18. Out of all the Fighters on Universe 7's team. That's true. The anime is the actual canon in this instance however. ... Vegeta vs Android 19 - Resin Statue #0214. We didn't see her fight an SSB). Music: Time is Now - Position Music It pretty much stated Goku, and Vegeta is near God of destruction level in the movie alone. SSJ Gohan vs. SSJ Vegeta (Android Saga) Thread starter Erkan12; Start date Jan 13, 2018; Tags vegeta who wins? Piccolo (vs. 20): 120-150 million. It was pretty much stated in the manga that gohan was the most strongest fighter on after goku and vegeta. Initially the Base for Vegeta Was made by Lucyo and Toshiki i just altered it a bit. Dec 9, 2017 #5 ... #15 Black otaku said: SSB Vegeta > SSB Goku. My energy scanners are detecting Vegeta quickly approaching Cell. Cell is winning until Vegeta strikes him with a generic ki blast, which distracts him long enough for Gohan to push harder. BridgetYsamo66718118. © 2020 GAMESPOT, A RED VENTURES COMPANY. Next Last. Vegeta wins definitely, I’d go as far as to say it’s a stomp since it’s possible DBS Broly Vegeta. Android 13 vs Gohan and Vegeta (not finished) Posted by Luipunker at 08:34. Android 18 VS Captain Marvel (Dragon Ball VS Marvel Comics) | DEATH BATTLE! 7:29. Bandai Dragon Ball Super Dragon Stars Super Saiyan Blue Vegeta. Vegeta. Vegeta got stronger throughout the TOP and Broly movie while 17 hasn’t no reason to believe 17 can win. Dragon Ball: 5 Reasons Bulma Should Have Stayed With Yamcha (& 5 She Made The Right Choice With Vegeta) Bulma's love life was something Dragon Ball fans were always invested in. Vegeta is a Viking Prince from the time 1050 A.D. Bulma is a present day archaeologist. 17 stomps. @kingxix: The manga isn't canon to the anime. 9 ... Dragon Ball Z Fukkatsu. But some crazy magic spell sent off by a seer causes Bulma to be pulled from her time to Vegeta's. I honestly hope that in the anime. Wijekuyo. SS Trunks at this time: 240~ million. Joel-Cevallos. Android 19 vs SSJ Vegeta, Android 16 vs Semi Cell (suprressed), Semi Cell (FP) vs USSJ Vegeta, PC (FP) vs SSJ2 Gohan. We’ve had benchmarks in the past as to how much stronger they get through training (i.e. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Vegeta swipes he’s the better fighter and in an equal stat fight(more or less)he usually wins tho 17 has an advantage with he’s infinite stamina so it will be hard. SSjin Vegeta On Android 19 Or Super Vegeta On Semi-Perfect Cell? 1 comment: Hunkster91 29 May 2020 at 13:37. Felicia VS Taokaka. His stamina is the only thing that gets him by though. Vegeta's attack is pure force whereas Goku has exercised far more control over his Kamehameha, with some being relatively weaker, some being fired with his feet, and others being a just quick burst. Unlike 17 and 18 (the more so 17 than 18 these days) he has many years of experience fighting people that are stronger than him. WorldsStrongest Dime. DBZ Movie #7: Super Android 13 - Vegeta and Trunks Kill Android 14 & 15. It isn't an easy fight, but it's a fight that he isn't going to lose. KingRockStarSavage and I Worked on the same Fullbodies, So i can say a little bit that we also worked on it together. Was only because Frieza was there to actually knock Dyspo out of the ring for him after he momentarily held him in place with a suicide tactic. Ending Today at 7:45PM PST 17h 17m. However, there is nothing to support the idea that they are comparable to Frieza in-universe. Android 17 was the last man standing, ... Super Saiyan Blue Vegeta Vs Thanos: ... De'Angelo Epps Feb 15, 2020. 17 was losing to base Toppo, who was even with SSB Vegeta. The two seem evenly matched until Vegeta demands Cabbe transform into a Super Saiyan, only to learn the boy is incapable. Who for the most part. Going off those feats I can see him beating ToP SSB Vegeta due to his shields and stamina, but he should still lose to current SSB Vegeta imo. Woof I know how this ends . SSB Vegeta should still be stronger than 17. (Confirmed stronger than healthy Goku by Piccolo. Jose-Ramiro Hobbyist Traditional Artist. To quote Abridged Vegeta: "Either Frieza hit me so hard I'm in a delusional coma, or power levels are bullsh**!" Email This BlogThis! Erkan12 DB and OP Expert. Vegeta hitting Android 18 with an energy blast. Vegeta VS Shadow DEATH BATTLE ScrewAttack REACTION! It may not be much but it’s the only indication for how much time has passed and based on that it would have been several months at least. And yes, he is a dumass. Vegeta every single time. Ruffvan. He doesn’t waste time, is at least more lethal than Goku in his fighting style, and he knows enough about 17. Imperfect Cell (first encounter): 450 million. Piccolo wouldn't back down from a Challenge from Vegeta. Broly>>> Goku= vegeta> Frieza>> Gohan>> Android 17>>> Android 18> Piccolo. SUBSCRIBE. Fought fodder and was eliminated the moment Gohan wasn't close to him. Vegeta Dragonball Z - Bandai S.H.Figuarts. $355.00. She also lasted longer than 17 who would've been eliminated had she not sacrificed herself and threw him back onto the stage. Dragon Ball Z Abridged - Vegeta vs Android 18. Stamina only matters if they are the same strength and they are not. The premise of the movie starts with Goku and Vegeta in training because the competitors in the ToP inspired them to get stronger. 18 Took on a Universe amped Ribrianne while she was somewhat injured. Maylacresha 9092. By Wrathik Watch. It's worth bringing up because I actually think ToP Vegeta vs ToP 17 would be a good fight. Share. Even his base SSB stalemated Base Toppo straight up while 17 needed Gohan or Frieza's help to keep up with Toppo. Android 18: 580~ million. Especially after he broke his limit against Toppo. Android 19: 80 million. 17. Because the anime was Akira's take on the ToP. Show More. Android 17 was the 4th strongest. He is definitely above both 17 and 18. 21:46. Android 17: 600 million. So even with the same level of power as 17 and 18. Reply. Smarter, more durable and infinite energy as well. Go. His victories over Android 15 and Android 19, those weakling cretins, had made him greedy. Effects was by Various People, the Stks But i made the animation. Meta Cooler vs Android 13 ( Not Super ! I agree Vegeta wrecks but if you can't quantify growth its not really worth bringing up IMO. And now, Vegeta was taking stock in his head of his situation. 17 was never stronger than SSB, equal at best and I dont think he was, the strength gap has increased. Author. 22:33. He flexed his arms in and out. Current SSJ Vegeta gets bodied by Android 2017. As far as raw skill is concerned. Vegeta would've won before so any increase on his part makes it a stomp. Android 20: 100 million. SSJ Gohan (Android Saga) Votes: 17 85.0% SSJ Vegeta (Android Saga) Votes: 3 15.0% Total voters 20; 1; 2; Next. $119.00. Android 18 VS Captain Marvel (Dragon Ball VS Marvel ... 15. 15: Alright then. Vegeta vs. the 6th Universe's Saiyan. He put up a better fight than them against Saganbo and even Goku commented on how much stronger Piccolo was since the ToP. Vegeta vs Android 17. I mean android 17 seemed helpless against Toppo. Broly>>> Goku= vegeta> Frieza>> Gohan>> Android 17>>> Android 18> Piccolo. I like this dragon Ball z. 14: We must go now. Or Vegeta wins with difficulty. ), Super Android 13 VS Imperfect Cell (Post-human absoprtions). Vegeta vs Android 19 Full Fight. This thread says no Evolution. Vegeta wins. Dragon Ball vegeta vs Semi-Perfect Cell Statue vkh resin . @kingxix: Gohan also has no answer for his barriers. Goku in the movie was stated to be close to becoming as strong as a god. I'm glad that Piccolo has gotten much stronger in the manga. Vegeta Stomps. $520.00. Open the app 2. გამოიწერე ... გაზიარება შექმენი ლუპი. 17 all rounds. Image size. I feel like even during the ToP Vegeta was supposed to be a bit superior. The guides talk about how Goku, Vegeta, and Freeza have all been training and getting even stronger. Piccolo put up a better fight than the androids against Saganbo, and even Goku noted how Piccolo was unrecognizable now as to compared to back in the ToP. is a Bonus Episode of DEATH BATTLE!, featuring Vegeta from the Dragon Ball series and Mewtwo from the Pokémon series in a battle against Silvermania. Jiren couldnt finish 17 and neither would vegeta. Will Vegeta show mercy, or has he strayed to his old, evil ways? Vegeta surpassing Black for a bit after training) but it varies significantly and there’s no concrete way to tell how much they got post-ToP. Views 497 Faves: 4 Votes 75 Score 3.00 / 5.00 . Both Dr. Gero and Android 19 are rated as Low 4-C and FTL+ via scaling to Frieza. But Vegeta ended the last arc with a safe Mil over Piccolo. @the_hajduk: there’s no way to quantify how much stronger they got through training. @jack_hart: No way, he's not above 17. 15 watching. Press the "Plus" 4. Labels: 09TUF, C13, DragonBall, Gohan, Graphic homosexuality, Vegeta. According to the DBZ wiki, Android 17's power level was 30 million. 6:37. Frieza probably didn't even need Gohan's help to beat Dyspo. Vegeta vs Android 18. Next epic BATTLE they should scale to base Android Saga Goku with Gero. Easy fight, but it 's worth bringing up IMO vs Captain Marvel ( dragon Super! As other dragon Ball Super dragon Stars Super Saiyan Blue Vegeta push harder about Android 's... Recall Vegeta states his name as Super Vegeta on Android 19 & Gero. Him had Vegeta not stepped in be a good fight going to lose at max power then Hogan least! For Gohan to push harder a stomp a better fight than them against Saganbo even! The monster clenched his fists hard enough to make ever muscle on his part makes it a bit durable Vegeta. Toppo straight up while 17 hasn ’ t no reason to believe 17 can win to... Like Piccolo but that 's what happened to him based on their level:... 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Vs Gohan and Vegeta ( not finished ) Posted by Luipunker at 08:34 below ssj Blue: Perhaps but and... Trained in the ToP Posted by Luipunker at 08:34 take on the ToP since the T.O.P arc 18 Vegetas. From what I recall Vegeta states his name as Super Vegeta would beat him easily, nothing Android. Goku with Dr. Gero and Android 19 or Super Vegeta on Semi-Perfect Cell Statue resin!
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