It's further than we thought! No description for Puhinui - Te Araroa North trail has been added yet! The Te Araroa trail is becoming quite popular and is now considered up there as one of the big three along with the Pacific Crest Trail and the Appalachian Trail and this last season there were around 1,000 people completing it. The trail travels from Cape Reinga on the North Island to Bluff on the South Island, passing through 9 distinct regions on its way. On the eve of my Te Araroa hike across New Zealand, I take stock of my gear and ponder the journey that is to come.. After hiking the Appalachian Trail last year I feel that I am in a good position for the Te Araroa trail. Please stick to the trail and avoid closed areas. I had a 75l backpack and carried about 16kg of base weight! The unpredictable weather doesn’t help with the trail conditions. The relaxed seaside towns provide comfort for the weary tramper. I had a pretty bad sleep last night the Pahautea hut, mostly due to being allergic to the perfume-drenched shirt the lady in the bunk above hung up on our bed . It’s advised to still filter this water. The final leg of Te Araroa Trail, which he had begun from Cape Reinga nearly seven months earlier, was supposed to be a time of reflection and joy. Next, are the large and braided Rakaia and Rangitata rivers - a natural barrier to Te Araroa's trampers. The Te Araroa Trust does an amazing job of offering these on their site to be downloaded FOR FREE! I woke at 5.45am to find numerous people had arrived at the hut in the night and were sleeping on the floor! I relied completely on my phone for navigation. The Blissful Hiker does it: packed weight under 15 pounds! 171 likes. Here’s a breakdown of everything I packed for my thru-hike of New Zealand’s Te Araroa trail! This 3000.0km route stretches from Cape Reinga in the North Island to Bluff, located on the tip of the South Island. Te Araroa is New Zealand’s premier long-distance hiking trail, stretching 3000 km (1860 mi) across the country’s two main islands. Jo and Mike Gallen Homestay at 48 Brandon Hall Rd, 500m off trail. Most TA hikers choose to go SOBO, or South Bound, based on the weather. It’s important to not cross those at high tide, or you can easily be swept out to sea. When I started in New Zealand I was completely over-packed! Contrary to the cliché “a walk on the beach,” the first stretch is no easy task—the sand packs like concrete, and limited coverage from the blazing New Zealand sun provides a harsh welcome to all TA hikers. Then it enters the rich pastoral land of the King Country. When approaching a mountain range stretch, we always check the weather report for any storms that may hit. The Te Araroa Trail Notes lists multiple spots to camp every night, so we usually stick to that for planning out each night’s “home.” When camping in the forest, we always look at our GPS for the closest river so that we can filter endless water for dinner, breakfast, coffee, and the next day’s water supply. When I started in New Zealand I was completely over-packed! Trail Registration. I will return to the South Island next season, armed with the lessons I have learned from the North and empowered by the freedom I have gained. This app is a life-saver, especially in times when we lose the trail markers. It crosses rivers up to three kilometers wide, traces alpine lakes and, if weather is with you, presents you with night skies eliciting the famous Southern lights and landscapes that are far beyond our wildest imagination. The area surrounding the trail has been burnt and will have associated ash and other debris. Make sure to download all of the TA way points, and download all of the North and South Island maps, otherwise the app won’t be useful. Pay by koha (donation). Some refer to this feeling as post-trail blues: the black dog of the long-distance hiking community, a very real sense of hopelessness after returning from a life-changing adventure like Te Araroa. Rebecca Goddard, Hannah Morley and Rosie Goble talk about their experience on Te Araroa trail. Make sure to get the 2 Servings—hiker hunger is a real problem. 90 mile beach is a huge stretch of sandy beach, which actually extends closer to 90 kilometres than 90 miles. For maps, we use iHike GPS app that works offline. It is an incredible gesture and quite a lot of work. They’re light, have a full phone charge on them and you’re also able to listen to your music or podcasts and check maps on your phone in the rain with a Lifeproof case), printed TA trail notes maps (can be found on. Created with sketchtool. We have hiked alongside trail veterans who recently completed the AT or PCT, and when asked about the level of difficulty relative to what we’re facing out here, they all answer that they’ve never been around so many physical terrain challenges and “sketchy” rock falls or cliff drops on their other hikes. Every dollar makes a difference. Because when you’re hiking 3,000km from Cape Reinga to Bluff you don’t want to forget anything! It is an incredible gesture and quite a lot of work. This guide assumes a good level of familiarity with New Zealand tramping and conditions. Te Araroa Website. Trail Maps, Tracks, & Notes are intended to be updated in September each year. Tramping the full length of the trail generally takes three to six months. How much did it cost? All of the preparation, research, and resupply for each stretch can seem like a lot of work, but the second you hit the trail, the TA makes it all worth it. It is situated 175 km north of Gisborne city, along State Highway 35 between Tokata and Awatere. Te Araroa - New Zealand's Trail - is a continuous 3,000 km walking track from Cape Reinga to Bluff. The AT, PCT, CDT, and Camino are all world-renown, but, here in NZ, the extremely unpredictable weather and variety of challenging terrain made the TA the perfect storm of a trail for my crew. The Te Araroa (TA) trail is relatively new, having been completed in 2011. You must ensure you have every item you’ll need in … Every dollar makes a difference. Donate now. You’ll find nearly everything you need to know to hike the trail there. A six-month thru-hike is a monumental goal; the key is breaking it up and focusing on each stretch until the next resupply town. New Zealand’s Te Araroa Trail is the world’s newest long-distance thru-hike. My total cost was $3,085.98 USD, or $30.55/day. Tramping the length of New Zealand is no easy feat. Most of Te Araroa’s through-walkers start their epic journey at Cape Reinga at the northern end of the North Island. Opinion Sport Business Lifestyle Rural. Te Araroa Trail Priongia. It is 100 metres from its local beach. In our next dispatch we’ll take a closer look at how to tackle your food and fuel strategy for months on the trail, as that’s a whole topic in itself. Now, my crew is out here and we’re sending this dispatch from the trail. As always, use your best judgment. It’s a spiritual place, so very fitting for what lies ahead. As a relatively new trail, the Te Araroa is still in flux. Te Araroa, which translates to ‘’the long pathway’’, is a 3000km tramp running the length of the North and South islands. In the North Island water is, for the most part, plentiful—you pass a lot of Dairies (combination of market/gas station) where you can buy water along the way; each day you pass streams and rivers; and if all else fails you could knock on a local’s door and ask them to fill up your water (most of the time this leads to an invitation to pitch your tent on their lawn too!). Car rental company Thrifty has stepped up to support New Zealand’s iconic national walking trail as part of a partnership with Te Araroa Trust. Note that you cannot download and use a KML/.kmz file on a phone version. The best way to keep in touch with people back home is to hop on wifi in each resupply town at a local café. Trail Maps, Tracks, & Notes are intended to be updated in September each year. On these two long distance trails I tried out a lot of different gear and also learned a lot. Photo credit: Margaret Hedderman. We are some of the first thousand people to complete this trail. The Te … We all purchased a yearly DOC Hut Pass for around $90 USD that allows us to stay at any DOC hut in New Zealand. The trail in the South Island runs down the spine of the Southern Alps, sending hikers along rugged, high-elevation ridgeline trails and scrambles. Leaving Hamilton the trail ascends Mt Pirongia, which dominates the skyline throughout the region. A short excursion into the Hakarimata Range brings walkers to Hamilton. This mountain bike primary trail can be used downhill primary. Te Araroa Trail 2020 Google Earth (Updated 25 September 2020) This file contains the entire trail route, bypasses, KM marks, hut, campsites and more! The trail travels from Cape Reinga to Bluff. Walk it all, walk it in your lifetime, walk New Zealand - walk Te Araroa! Instead, it was a time of high alert for Hopkins, a New Zealand actor who portrayed Gamling in Lord of the Rings. That’s just the North Island. The 1,864-mile trek spans the length of New Zealand's two main islands, starting at the northernmost tip … Written by: McKenzie Barney. On these two long distance trails I tried out a lot of different gear and also learned a lot. Te Araroa is a long distance hiking trail in New Zealand, stretching 3000 km across the country’s two main islands. My total cost was $3,085.98 USD, or $30.55/day. This 3000.0 km route stretches from Cape Reinga in the North Island to Bluff, located on the tip of the South Island. Discover remote villages, magical kauri forests, breathtaking volcanic scenery and bustling cities on New Zealand’s Te Araroa trail. The diversion west is brief as Te Araroa bounces east again over Goat Pass. After these beginning stages of the Northland, the TA travels through turbulent farmland, rugged mountains, and lush rainforests; sometimes crossing all of these landscapes in one day. Now, planning a thru-hike is no easy task, whether or not you’ve completed one. Please register your trail usage before embarking on your journey. 3000 km (1860 mi) The trail The trail. Starting in the North Island, the trail begins where the Tasman Sea and Pacific Ocean meet. From January to March 2017 I walked the South Island part of Te Araroa, New Zealand’s walking trail from Ship Cove to Bluff. Donate now. Stretching 3,000 km from Cape Reinga, at the top of the North Island, to Bluff, at the bottom of the South Island, the TA is defined by its challenging terrain, unpredictable weather and navigational obstacles, and just may be the toughest of the world’s major thru-hikes. Food, fuel & resupplies Te Araroa is the birthplace of noted Māori politician Sir Āpirana Ngata.Māori in the area are generally associated with the Ngāti Porou iwi. I hiked the Te Araroa NOBO in the season of ’15/’16 and in 2017 I also hiked the Pacific Crest Trail. Te Araroa trail from Twizel to Lake Ohau and the East Ahuriri Track is now OPEN. Te Araroa - New Zealand's Trail - is a continuous 3,000 km walking track from Cape Reinga to Bluff. The trail from Havelock follows a dirt road through flat farmer’s fields, and maintaining a 5-kilometers-per-hour pace is no problem. How much did it cost? Food dry bag: our favorite food items are tortillas, nutella/pb, Bumper Bars, and freeze dried coffee—preferably Jed’s that is ranked in boldness. These Trail Notes will list helpful accommodations and trail angel stops that we would otherwise miss by hiking only with GPS, so we highly recommend checking these out. According to TA legend, if you make it past these forests in once piece, the odds of completing the entire trail are in your favor. Stretching 3,000 km from Cape Reinga, at the top of the North Island, to Bluff, at the bottom of the South Island, the TA is defined by its challenging terrain, unpredictable weather and navigational obstacles, and just may be the toughest of the world’s major thru-hikes. Though the jury is still out as to which thru-hike is the toughest, according to these vets, New Zealand takes the cake. The information below is best interpreted as how much Te Araroa cost while I was on the trail. Te Araroa is a 3 000 km trail spanning the entire amazing country of New Zealand, from Cape Reinga in the north to Bluff in the south. The Te Araroa website is a great resource with many links. The South Island’s hut system is even more plentiful and developed, but there are less towns and longer stretches in between resupply towns. Her packed weight (weight minus water, food and fuel which is called variable weight) for five months on the Te Araroa is under 15 pounds and she’s still taking professional audio gear.Praise the ultralight gods, and all my engineering pals at Minnesota Public Radio. Load this file into Google Earth online or desktop to help you plan your journey. The trail is essentially 30 or so smaller trails connected together and is still going through some growing pains as it matures into a more formal trail. These rivers safety zones that do not form part of the trail proper, and should not be crossed on foot. Te Araroa (from the north) enters Waikato region along this mighty river. Discover remote villages, magical kauri forests, breathtaking volcanic scenery and bustling cities on New Zealand’s Te Araroa trail. The extent of my backpacking before the TA was short multi-day trips. You’ll find yourself knee-deep fording rivers, hiking alongside sailboats in a bright blue bay, climbing volcanoes made famous by Lord of the Rings, and who can forget the occasional, and much-dreaded, road walking. The exposed mountain faces, high summits, and quick-moving weather can make a beautiful day dangerous in a matter of minutes. Te Araroa is New Zealand’s premier long-distance hiking trail, stretching 3000 km (1860 mi) across the country’s two main islands. Keep an eye out for the TA maps prepared by Kirstine Collins (more below) that have the trail notes integrated into them. It was officially opened on December 3, 2011, and is widely considered the most physically challenging long-distance thru-hike in the world. For me, that was exactly its allure. Hitch-hiking in New Zealand, for the most part, is widely accepted. Stretching 3,000 km from Cape Reinga, at the top of the North Island, to Bluff, at the bottom of the South Island, the TA is defined by its challenging terrain, unpredictable weather and navigational obstacles, and just may be the toughest of the world’s major thru-hikes. The Te Araroa is unique in its rapidly changing landscapes. I decided to use much of the same gear for this hike. Here are my top-tips for planning the hike. Every dollar makes a difference. Te Araroa Trail. But that’s why we’re here. Support the trust today so that you can enjoy the trail tomorrow, either one day at a time, or all 3000km! Water crossings and weather are the most dangerous elements to have on your radar while hiking the TA. If you choose Spark as a provider they also have wifi phone booths that allow you up to 2GB of free daily wifi if you’re nearby. Te Araroa continues through the vast Mackenzie Basin. Te Araroa is a town in the Gisborne Region of the North Island of New Zealand. MSR fuel canister (depending on how long the stretch is we either carry a large or small canister), Bug spray (the sandflies are awful! Always check the Trail Status pages of the official Te Araroa website for recent changes or alerts on the trail… Support the trust today so that you can enjoy the trail tomorrow, either one day at a time, or all 3000km! Te Araroa (The Long Pathway) is New Zealand's long distance tramping route, stretching circa 3,000 kilometres (1,900 mi) along the length of the country's two main islands from Cape Reinga to Bluff.It is made up of a mixture of older tracks and walkways, new tracks, and link sections alongside roads. Our group applied for a variety of Visas that can be applied for on New Zealand’s government site – most received a 12 month Working Holiday Visa. We recommend checking this page regularly before and during your journey as route alterations may have arisen since planning your journey. It’s always safe to bring an extra day of food on each stretch, and in the mountains we sometimes bring 2-3 extra days of food incase we have to wait out a storm in a hut. Six months of hiking seemed absolutely intimidating, which is why it felt right. A newcomer on the though-hike circuit the trail features a wide variety of experiences. Hut that sleeps 3, and room for camping. 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