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She appears very healthy otherwise except I rarely see her drink water. My cat's bottom lip is swollen. There is a condition called the eosinophilic granuloma complex which commonly affects young cats and results in a swollen upper or lower lip. However, sometimes her bum gets red and inflamed making her scoot and scratch; what a bummer. My cat has had a swollen lip now for 3-4 days. Swollen lips can develop due to allergic reactions, injuries, or medication side effects. However, they can also be associated with certain rare conditions. My cat keeps getting a swollen bottom lip .My cat keeps getting a swollen bottom lip and what looks like large graze on his cheek what might be causing this? My cat has a swollen bottom lip? A swollen lip develops over a couple of hours after exposure to a trigger. Swollen, puffy lips symptoms explained Perhaps you had a bite of an allergy-triggering food or took a hit to the mouth at soccer practice, but now your lips are swelling. Why does your cat’s lip is swollen? my bottom lip is swollen on only one side. I can't see any Why is my bottom lip swollen for no reason and out of nowhere? Any help would great thank you. This is why we have decided to let you know exactly what can cause it and how you should be dealing with this sudden development on the lips. I have read some stuff on the web and it seems as there Nobody likes to think about his cat’s bottom. Vets are good about over the phone advice, at least as to whether or not you need to come in. My cat gets frequent and sudden swelling on her face (her bottom lip usually but today her cheek is swollen). She isn't acting funny, but the lip seems to be reddish as well. my cat has a funny little bump on his bottom lip, its really tiny it doesnt seem like anything is wrong with him, he's completely indoor, he goes to the vet often for check ups and stuff, its probably nothing but if your concerned it A cat with swollen lip could be something mild or serious. Several culprits may be Client Question: Why is my cat’s lip swollen? His lip gets swollen and blistered and his neck gets bumpy, scabby places. January 14, 2016 by Little Creek Veterinary Clinic Rodent ulcer in a 16-year-old cat, pre-treatment. After a few vet visits, some antibiotics, and a lot of waiting, I finally came to the conclusion that it was from the plastic feeding bowl she was eating out of You have a flea problem. The reason for a cat’s swollen lip is often eosinophilic granuloma complex or EGC. Last night when my 2 year old cat was looking up, I noticed her bottom lip was red and swollen, almost shiny in appearance, but it doesn't look ulcerated like a sore, just fat. My 6 month old cat recently got a swollen lower lip. Good afternoon, My cat's lower lip seems to be swollen. She would play and then stop for a bit longer than usual. My cat has passed since then, but Tiger still occasionally gets fat lips from biting herself or running into shit while playing. A swollen upper lip on a cat can be a serious symptom and it often brings painful sensations to a pet when it tries to eat or drink. It is red and looks swollen. I’d call for advice, reminding the vet that you have an appointment next week. Also her top lip is also swollen. It’s one of those private matters best left to your kitty herself. Any idea what this could be. My … Did you know teenager cats (6–12 Photo by Little Creek Veterinary Clinic. First pic of her 2-3 days in and the second is her My cat she has a sore on her bottom lip. This term is used to describe a group of skin disorders, and often when this condition is present your cat’s bottom lip will be swollen. They only way to be sure is having a trained vet check up on your cat. My lower lip has been swollen and feels like it is burning for months now. my cat suddenly developed a swollen pink lower lip. I have always used chapstick; but I am putting it on 15-20 times per day. My cat used to fight occasionally with my brothers cat and my brothers cat usually ended up with a fat lip. Yes i know I should It could possibly swollen, we are unsure. Can anyone tell me what caused this, what it is It is, therefore, possible to have no symptoms when you go to bed and wake up in a different state. I have the same thing, and have had it for 3 years now. Dr Google is correct. within a week my cat was back to normal i … it's because i used to chew on my bottom lip. How old is your cat? Hi My 3 yr old female cat has a swollen bottom lip. When one of our cats was a stray kitten we bought Meow Mix kitten food to feed her outside he gave me antibiotics after having a steroid injection. The oral form of eosinophilic granulomas present as well-circumscribed firm masses or plaque like lesions on the tongue or roof of the mouth (palate). The fur surrounding the swollen lip is dirty. This topic is answered by a medical expert. There could be a lot of reasons, but food allergy is the first one that comes to mind if the cat doesn’t have any obvious injury. took him to vet where he was examined - checked his mouth and felt round the throat and neck area. It doesn't have any hair on it. she will cou … Hi jp, I have the same thing, and have had it for 3 years now. The cat has been a little less active than usual, I was wondering if anyone has had any experience with this occurrence before and would know what to do. When they occur on the lip , it appears swollen . Let’s begin. It doesn't look inflamed, because it is the same color as her skin usually is. What can I do? My cat has had this swollen lip for about a month now. This happened last summer and the vet identified a small puncture wound, so gave her some anti-inflammatories, even then it took a while to go down. … If together with these symptoms a Discover the causes of bottom lip swelling, treatments, remedies and ways to get rid of swollen lower lip. She seems to be eating fine, but I noticed yesterday she was kinda sluggish. My husband thinks it’s nothing to worry about but she just turned 1 and I’m very paranoid about it. I noticed tonight her bottom lip is swollen on the right side. she has also been coughing periodically for the past couple of months. I have a 23 yr old cat. I've done a lot of looking on the internet, so I have a few ideas of what it might be, but it would be nice to get some advice from someone who actually knew. My girlfriend has noticed that her cat's bottom lip has enlarged itself to twice the size it normally is. The faster the cat will be taken to a veterinary clinic for a checkup, the sooner its state of health will Could trauma, injuries, pimples, cold sores, canker sores, allergic reactions or a sunburn causing it? I just noticed it today. If your cat shows up with a fat lip and she. I am worried becasue she is in pain, and I … They sent her home with some steroid medication. It's right in the center of her lower lip. I don't really live in the same place as the cat anymore, but while visiting I noticed its bottom lip is swollen. Swollen upper lip vs. swollen bottom lip If the cause of your swollen lip is an injury, such as a blow to the mouth or a bad cut, the lip that absorbed most of the trauma will be the most swollen. Her lip is red ans swollen, but there are no puncture wounds, it's not draining, and it's very sensitive. Lip swelling can have many causes, and while in some instances it occurs in isolation, it can also be accompanied by pain, redness, itchiness, or even blisters. On Friday I took my two year old female Calico mix to the vets because her bottom lip is swollen. i stopped now but the swelling from before is still there. If the problem is diagnosed early, treatment starts right away and your cat gets out of harm’s way. At times the cause of a swollen lip may not be I have brought him in several times — he has received antibiotics twice and steroids once, all of which took care of the problem — temporarily. My vet Today I have noticed that when she is laying down for a while and relaxed, the swelling goes down a little, but when she is up walking around or active in any way the swelling gets worse and her lip gets red. There are many possible causes of a red spot on your pet’s lip. My cat's lower lip was swollen and also looked like pimples on the chin. Why is my cat's upper lip swollen? she doesn't seem to be in any pain. The dots are the color of my lips, and are located in clumps at the 4 corners of my lips, as well as the very center of my top lip (which is where it usually hurts and get red/slightly swollen) And from the clumps on my bottom lip, it kind of fades out to the center of my bottom lip.. A Verified Doctor answered A US doctor answered Learn more My cat's bottom lip, the area closest to her mouth, is a bit my cat's bot***** *****p, the area closest to her mouth, is a bit puffy and raw.

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