Teaching Guide: Friendship; Teaching Guide: Friendship. It's always a good time to practice gratitude for the relationships that sustain us all -- for the people who have taught us in a school setting and beyond, and for the young ones we are able to nurture and inspire. Subscribe to our almost Print. Love your friends well, but keep a loose grip. Making friends in middle school can be tough, and it can be extra hard if you’re shy. But you can provide boys with opportunities to do things with kids who share their interests -- filmmaking classes, batting practice, hip-hop. 6. Those will help you become popular too. Posted Mar 10, 2011 Throughout our interview they giggled, high fived, and their faces lit up as they recounted the nascence of their relationship: As a prospective GDS student, Blake met David during recess when they played a basketball game together. Check them out!  How to maintain good friendships through the tumultuous changes of adolescence. Twitter. Good friends can disagree without hurting each other. •  You and Your Values h. Two friends of yours are at odds with each other. These two moves could expand the opportunity for students to do the most difficult and interesting learning they need to do at this stage in their developmental trajectory: embracing the joy and challenges of friendships. Open search. Others discussed the ways that students are judged by their physical appearance, their clothing, their words. When you see someone you think you’d like to become friends with, what are some good ways to initiate things? All the students I spoke to expressed the importance of having common interests, common space, and trust as the foundations of their relationship. See more ideas about quotes, inspirational quotes, words. The school performing arts program includes theater, dance, and music. They are courageously creating and navigating their social milieu, and we need to courageously let them. Share via Email. What qualities do you look for in a friend? Get breaking news and developments in character education and helpful tips and ideas that you can use with your own character education program. Below are some common friendship problems your child might encounter in middle school, along with a … Friendship is fluid, especially in middle school. What happened? News and developments in character education and helpful tips and ideas that you can use with your own program! Below are tips to help you prepare your tween for the ups and downs of friendships in the middle school years. You will never forget these memories. How did you feel? ASCA Toolkit: Virtual Middle School Counseling School counseling in a virtual world is challenging. I began to see their agency. Good friends try to understand each other’s feelings and moods. These quotes on school friends here will show you that how beautiful and important it is to make new friends during school days and keep them in your life forever. Her true friends do not judge her because of the way she looks; they accept her as she is. 12. Don’t forget to share these middle school memes with your classmates and friends! Print. How do you think that makes them feel? What is more important, being popular, or being a good friend? •  Handling Emotions Save. To find additional teaching guides on Friendship and related topics for K-12. http://www.hillaryHomzie.com Sophie Fanuchi and Maddie Chen have always been BFFs. Finding answers to these questions in a middle school is nearly impossible, because the social landscape is ever evolving and shifting. Instantly access How to Make More Friends in Middle School plus over 40,000 of the best books & videos for kids. What do kids think about friends and friendship? In what ways does friendship change as you get older? What could you have done differently? Your friend is on the brink of failing a class and begs you to help him/her cheat on the final exam. What do you do if you want a person you have just met to become a part of your group, but the others don’t want to have anything to do with this new person? When Ariel explained how it was important for the person who was seeking a friend to make the “first move,” she demonstrated by stretching her hand out, making eye contact, and saying: “You walk over to someone you see and say, ‘Hi, my name is Ariel. They are more extreme but have a powerful message. 1. Teen Expedition Promo Reel (4:05) Mindful teens on retreat in beautiful British Columbia, from Enso Society for Contemplative Engagement. 5. Self-Advocate Approach: Sixth graders Ariel and Sasha told a different story of friendship building that stood in contrast to Malena. Jun 2, 2020 - Great activities for building healthy friendships for teens and young adults!. But falling apart is a good thing because it gives you an opportunity to put yourself back together again.”. I'd like to offer up a video playlist to remind all of us about the power of empathy, kindness, and human connections. Want to know how to make friends in middle school? "I got sick, and my friend ran to the bathroom after me to hold my hair back as I became the Exorcist," Marissa said. g. You and your best friend have romantic feelings toward the same person. The athletics program offers competitive sports for student athletes, including cross-country, track, soccer, lacrosse, and crew/rowing. Out-of-school excursions brought them “closer.” She said in school she also actively sought her friends during lunch or recess. Schools don’t understand what to do they don’t understand how to make children be friends. If you are using the video, ask the first two questions before viewing. Friendship Worksheets for Middle School and 558 Best Girls Friendship Group Ideas Images On Pinterest. Are the relationships within these groups real friendships? Be Careful. For Malena friendships do not organically occur; there has to be active participation and engagement. You don’t want to lose either of them. Donald Dunn. They both happened to be at the playground at the same time. Have a Voice. Hear what they have to say. One of my teen patients joined his school band. 5. When my mother was diagnosed with cancer, my middle school friends and myself really had no idea the impact of that diagnosis, but my family did. Good friends give each other compliments. This book should be required reading for all elementary and middle school-aged children. 2. Write about a time when you really felt hurt by a friend. In alignment with our mission, what if instead of running to rescue our students from the opportunity to grow, we practice the art of restraint and keep a healthy distance between ourselves and students’ friendship? Sasha talked about the importance of having your own personality and that “being unique is a good thing” in her social circle. While friendships can occasionally be difficult, tweens need friends and having friends will help them deal with all the challenges associated with middle school. •  That it is normal for friendships to change as we grow up. Some talked about their goal to have a “secure” friendship group made up of at least three to four friends and said it was not enough to just have one friend. Is Your Adolescent Acting Like You Don’t Exist? Longstanding friendships frequently change during the middle school years, and reading books about characters going through similar experiences can help your students cope. Why, or why not? Categories: Middle School, Leadership, Beyond the Classroom. How did you handle it? Search KidsHealth library. For more information about individual videos in this 12-part series, click on the title below. 20 Soothing and Comforting How I Sleep Knowing Memes. Two to try: “Water Balloon” by Audrey Vernick and “Eighth-Grade Superzero” by Olugbemisola Rhuday-Perkovich. When I asked her what allows for a secure friendship group, she responded, “It’s trust. One boy in the video said that a true friend is somebody who knows everything about you and still likes you. Me Duck School. In middle school, friendship becomes more complicated and more important. High school teachers can teach students. Do you think it’s true? And Marissa, 16, said she discovered the difference between a close friend and casual friend on a school trip to California. However, all of them were incredibly reflective about their social experiences. Students had the power and responsibility to make a friend on their own. Can you be popular and not be a good friend? Open search. There is a wide array of middle school counseling activities that pertain to friendships and obtaining positive relationships with peers. •  Setting & Achieving Goals To learn to laugh at yourself when you make a mistake and to genuinely love people. In middle school, friendship becomes more complicated and more important. Some of these are Evan Almighty, Super Size Me, Wall – E, Food Inc, Kung Fu Panda and much more. But friendships at this point in a child's development can also be quite challenging. I had several students respond to my invitation. Would you want to be a middle schooler again? You can make connections with new friends by joining new after school groups or by approaching potential friends one on one. Video Lesson - Friendship Soup Recipe: A NED Short - YouTube This website provided as a service to educators by, Character Education, Social Emotional Learning, and Life Skills Resources for Grades K-12. 2. It’s so nice to meet you.’ For her, friendship requires intentionality. Serendipitous Approach: Blake and David are two 7th grade boys with a five-year strong friendship. They may also need us to intentionally mix-up social groups so students have a chance to connect with students who they otherwise would not. The best way to have a great friendship in middle school is to be you! Is that person a good friend to any of the other characters? Below are some common friendship problems your child might encounter in middle school, along with a … While students may not need us to block and tackle for them as they navigate the social landscape of middle school, they may need us to create the time and space to connect with peers, to talk to each other, to grow their trust in each other, and to practice the art of relationship building. It is from The NED Show which has lots of character education resources as well. How did that make you feel? •  Preventing Conflicts & Violence Explain. 25 Annoying Childhood Friend … Share via Email. What happened? I will bring to light the stories of Blake, David, Malena, Ariel, and Sasha (all pseudonyms) because their stories are representative of the varied experiences students shared with me and provide nuanced insight into their social life. Is there anything you could do about it? Secondhand Heartache for Parents. As the new Middle School principal, I was deeply curious about how my current students were navigating the social world at Georgetown Day School. In all three approaches to making a friend, the absence of adult intervention is palpable. Middle school friendships can be one-sided, where one teen tries hard to please a friend and the more popular friend takes advantage of that. Video; Quiz & Worksheet ... from the elementary school she's attended for years to a big middle school. Is it always possible, or are some friendships destined to end? Brainstorm this and make a list. Search KidsHealth library. 17. 2. GDS is a school that strongly believes in students’ capacity to tolerate challenges and learn from failure. This video clip teaches students to be upstanders instead of bystanders. They exchanged no words, yet agreed to play with each other and that’s it. Try joining an after-school club or activity since making friends is easier when you enjoy the same things. Sign up to receive notifications of new posts by email. Have you and a friend ever drifted apart? Good friends help each other solve problems. I'd like to offer up a video playlist to remind all of us about the power of empathy, kindness, and human connections. Knowing how friendships may change, come to an end or strengthen can help your tween through the friendship challenges he or she will eventually face 18. So we asked experienced teachers to share their favorites—the punch-in-the-gut poems that always get a reaction, even from teens. It can be hard to know which poems will spur your middle and high schoolers into deep, meaningful discussion and which will leave them, ahem, yawning. Oct 30, 2018 - Explore Dawn Kelly Yeates's board "Friendship activities", followed by 789 people on Pinterest. You will never forget these memories. Is that true in your experience? You Are In Middle School. 7. For each situation given below, answer these questions: For K-1 students, we discuss 4 ways to make and keep friends. Do you think there’s something wrong with you if you aren’t part of the popular set? In my own years of teaching and working in middle schools, I find that middle schoolers are persistently on a quest to understand two existential questions: What is the social landscape of this school, and where do I fit in? When I asked them what does it mean to be a friend, they answered, “We spend time together, we hang out, and we talk about everything.”. It’s been said that the friends are family you choose, they are the one who stand by your side when you need them. •What is a positive way to deal with it? 4. Home / Athletics. There’s an old saying that goes “in order to have good friends you have to be a good friend.” What does that mean. To have good friends you must be a good friend. For Blake and David, they spend their advisory lunches together with a third friend; “cheer each other on” during a soccer game; hang out during recess; share inside jokes and poke fun at each other. Los Angeles, CA 90064. •  Saying No to Alcohol & Other Drugs How did you handle it? What was most meaningful to you in this video. And don’t try to portray yourself as something other than who you are, a precious daughter of the King! Here are some timeless friendship songs and links to available music videos, sample lyrics and music sheets to purchase in case you'd like to learn how to play the songs on your instrument. Mar 11, 2017 - Explore Errin Jennings's board "Middle School Quotes", followed by 274 people on Pinterest. i. While friendships can occasionally be difficult, tweens need friends and having friends will help them deal with all the challenges associated with middle school. ignugent17 on March 05, 2013: For sure kids will enjoy this lesson. 1. • Good friends give each other compliments. Are there any racial or ethnic barriers to friendship at your school? The theme of friendship is one we all can relate to and never tire of listening to. This material is from the teaching guide We may not have many videos about best friends but we certainly have a great videos about friendship. You find out your friend has been telling stories about you that aren’t true. 6. 4. Tell the child about the different kinds of friendships (good and bad) you had at this age, and the important things you’ve learned about friendship. (If you wish to copy or use any material from this website, please click here for Terms of Use. Encourage healthy middle school friendships. Are there kids here at school who get constantly excluded? a. Though they text often and snap chat, living far apart makes seeing each other more challenging. You find out your friend went swimming with someone else. How could you have handled it better? Throughout the years they remained best friends, talking every single day. Related Videos. Has a friend of yours ever been jealous of you? • That it’s good to be open to friendships with people who are different from us. Plan an activity where the entire class creates a friendship chain. Let’s see how you would handle some sticky situations that can happen in friendships. Watch a television program and write about one of the characters. They talked about how fragile relationships are in middle school and how easily one misstep can lead to the disintegration of a friendship. Anything they say to me, they know I will not tell people.”. Share your own friendship stories. Then, I put the pages together to create a class friendship book that the students can read and, ideally, use to make new friends. Option 2: Access to a computer connected to the Internet and installed with RealPlayer, for viewing the "Upfront and Honest in a Human Relations Group" video clip online. How do you do that? I realize that my mini-investigation was by no means scientific; students self-selected to come speak to me. The kids in the video talked about making space for their friends to go through changes. Love is an amazing quality. I was in awe at how clearly they could remember the moment they found connection with each other and how five to ten minutes of play time set the foundation of their friendship—a friendship that occurred serendipitously. 4. b. •  Respecting Others. Are friends more important to you now than they were in elementary school? How do you feel about it? Have you ever been excluded from a group? Don't forget to click on the green highlighted links and read the tips and warnings. Most people’s response to this question is a heartfelt, “no.” Researchers and laypeople describe middle school as a social quagmire that very few students have the capacity to navigate while simultaneously maintaining a sense of confidence and personal integrity. One girl in the video said that popular groups are sort of a whole big group of false friends. Remember, to have a good friend, you must be a good friend. What do kids think about friends and friendship? You can’t stage-manage a middle schooler’s friendships they way you could when he was in elementary school. Her friend was suspended for 10 days. Another became friends with other riders at a (horse) stable. What are the qualities that you appreciate most about this person? , or request them from your local library. See more ideas about friendship activities, healthy friendship, activities for teens. 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friendship videos for middle school

11. Countless friendship songs have been written over the years. – A mindful teen, in this awesome five-minute video by Wavecrest Films, with middle school students discovering the power of mindfulness to handle the stress and pressure of growing up! "I got sick, and my friend ran to the bathroom after me to hold my hair back as I became the Exorcist," Marissa said. Her friend was suspended for 10 days. Middle School > Teaching Guide: Friendship; Teaching Guide: Friendship. It's always a good time to practice gratitude for the relationships that sustain us all -- for the people who have taught us in a school setting and beyond, and for the young ones we are able to nurture and inspire. Subscribe to our almost Print. Love your friends well, but keep a loose grip. Making friends in middle school can be tough, and it can be extra hard if you’re shy. But you can provide boys with opportunities to do things with kids who share their interests -- filmmaking classes, batting practice, hip-hop. 6. Those will help you become popular too. Posted Mar 10, 2011 Throughout our interview they giggled, high fived, and their faces lit up as they recounted the nascence of their relationship: As a prospective GDS student, Blake met David during recess when they played a basketball game together. Check them out!  How to maintain good friendships through the tumultuous changes of adolescence. Twitter. Good friends can disagree without hurting each other. •  You and Your Values h. Two friends of yours are at odds with each other. These two moves could expand the opportunity for students to do the most difficult and interesting learning they need to do at this stage in their developmental trajectory: embracing the joy and challenges of friendships. Open search. Others discussed the ways that students are judged by their physical appearance, their clothing, their words. When you see someone you think you’d like to become friends with, what are some good ways to initiate things? All the students I spoke to expressed the importance of having common interests, common space, and trust as the foundations of their relationship. See more ideas about quotes, inspirational quotes, words. The school performing arts program includes theater, dance, and music. They are courageously creating and navigating their social milieu, and we need to courageously let them. Share via Email. What qualities do you look for in a friend? Get breaking news and developments in character education and helpful tips and ideas that you can use with your own character education program. Below are some common friendship problems your child might encounter in middle school, along with a … Friendship is fluid, especially in middle school. What happened? News and developments in character education and helpful tips and ideas that you can use with your own program! Below are tips to help you prepare your tween for the ups and downs of friendships in the middle school years. You will never forget these memories. How did you feel? ASCA Toolkit: Virtual Middle School Counseling School counseling in a virtual world is challenging. I began to see their agency. Good friends try to understand each other’s feelings and moods. These quotes on school friends here will show you that how beautiful and important it is to make new friends during school days and keep them in your life forever. Her true friends do not judge her because of the way she looks; they accept her as she is. 12. Don’t forget to share these middle school memes with your classmates and friends! Print. How do you think that makes them feel? What is more important, being popular, or being a good friend? •  Handling Emotions Save. To find additional teaching guides on Friendship and related topics for K-12. http://www.hillaryHomzie.com Sophie Fanuchi and Maddie Chen have always been BFFs. Finding answers to these questions in a middle school is nearly impossible, because the social landscape is ever evolving and shifting. Instantly access How to Make More Friends in Middle School plus over 40,000 of the best books & videos for kids. What do kids think about friends and friendship? In what ways does friendship change as you get older? What could you have done differently? Your friend is on the brink of failing a class and begs you to help him/her cheat on the final exam. What do you do if you want a person you have just met to become a part of your group, but the others don’t want to have anything to do with this new person? When Ariel explained how it was important for the person who was seeking a friend to make the “first move,” she demonstrated by stretching her hand out, making eye contact, and saying: “You walk over to someone you see and say, ‘Hi, my name is Ariel. They are more extreme but have a powerful message. 1. Teen Expedition Promo Reel (4:05) Mindful teens on retreat in beautiful British Columbia, from Enso Society for Contemplative Engagement. 5. Self-Advocate Approach: Sixth graders Ariel and Sasha told a different story of friendship building that stood in contrast to Malena. Jun 2, 2020 - Great activities for building healthy friendships for teens and young adults!. But falling apart is a good thing because it gives you an opportunity to put yourself back together again.”. I'd like to offer up a video playlist to remind all of us about the power of empathy, kindness, and human connections. Want to know how to make friends in middle school? "I got sick, and my friend ran to the bathroom after me to hold my hair back as I became the Exorcist," Marissa said. g. You and your best friend have romantic feelings toward the same person. The athletics program offers competitive sports for student athletes, including cross-country, track, soccer, lacrosse, and crew/rowing. Out-of-school excursions brought them “closer.” She said in school she also actively sought her friends during lunch or recess. Schools don’t understand what to do they don’t understand how to make children be friends. If you are using the video, ask the first two questions before viewing. Friendship Worksheets for Middle School and 558 Best Girls Friendship Group Ideas Images On Pinterest. Are the relationships within these groups real friendships? Be Careful. For Malena friendships do not organically occur; there has to be active participation and engagement. You don’t want to lose either of them. Donald Dunn. They both happened to be at the playground at the same time. Have a Voice. Hear what they have to say. One of my teen patients joined his school band. 5. When my mother was diagnosed with cancer, my middle school friends and myself really had no idea the impact of that diagnosis, but my family did. Good friends give each other compliments. This book should be required reading for all elementary and middle school-aged children. 2. Write about a time when you really felt hurt by a friend. In alignment with our mission, what if instead of running to rescue our students from the opportunity to grow, we practice the art of restraint and keep a healthy distance between ourselves and students’ friendship? Sasha talked about the importance of having your own personality and that “being unique is a good thing” in her social circle. While friendships can occasionally be difficult, tweens need friends and having friends will help them deal with all the challenges associated with middle school. •  That it is normal for friendships to change as we grow up. Some talked about their goal to have a “secure” friendship group made up of at least three to four friends and said it was not enough to just have one friend. Is Your Adolescent Acting Like You Don’t Exist? Longstanding friendships frequently change during the middle school years, and reading books about characters going through similar experiences can help your students cope. Why, or why not? Categories: Middle School, Leadership, Beyond the Classroom. How did you handle it? Search KidsHealth library. For more information about individual videos in this 12-part series, click on the title below. 20 Soothing and Comforting How I Sleep Knowing Memes. Two to try: “Water Balloon” by Audrey Vernick and “Eighth-Grade Superzero” by Olugbemisola Rhuday-Perkovich. When I asked her what allows for a secure friendship group, she responded, “It’s trust. One boy in the video said that a true friend is somebody who knows everything about you and still likes you. Me Duck School. In middle school, friendship becomes more complicated and more important. High school teachers can teach students. Do you think it’s true? And Marissa, 16, said she discovered the difference between a close friend and casual friend on a school trip to California. However, all of them were incredibly reflective about their social experiences. Students had the power and responsibility to make a friend on their own. Can you be popular and not be a good friend? Open search. There is a wide array of middle school counseling activities that pertain to friendships and obtaining positive relationships with peers. •  Setting & Achieving Goals To learn to laugh at yourself when you make a mistake and to genuinely love people. In middle school, friendship becomes more complicated and more important. Some of these are Evan Almighty, Super Size Me, Wall – E, Food Inc, Kung Fu Panda and much more. But friendships at this point in a child's development can also be quite challenging. I had several students respond to my invitation. Would you want to be a middle schooler again? You can make connections with new friends by joining new after school groups or by approaching potential friends one on one. Video Lesson - Friendship Soup Recipe: A NED Short - YouTube This website provided as a service to educators by, Character Education, Social Emotional Learning, and Life Skills Resources for Grades K-12. 2. It’s so nice to meet you.’ For her, friendship requires intentionality. Serendipitous Approach: Blake and David are two 7th grade boys with a five-year strong friendship. They may also need us to intentionally mix-up social groups so students have a chance to connect with students who they otherwise would not. The best way to have a great friendship in middle school is to be you! Is that person a good friend to any of the other characters? Below are some common friendship problems your child might encounter in middle school, along with a … While students may not need us to block and tackle for them as they navigate the social landscape of middle school, they may need us to create the time and space to connect with peers, to talk to each other, to grow their trust in each other, and to practice the art of relationship building. It is from The NED Show which has lots of character education resources as well. How did that make you feel? •  Preventing Conflicts & Violence Explain. 25 Annoying Childhood Friend … Share via Email. What happened? I will bring to light the stories of Blake, David, Malena, Ariel, and Sasha (all pseudonyms) because their stories are representative of the varied experiences students shared with me and provide nuanced insight into their social life. Is there anything you could do about it? Secondhand Heartache for Parents. As the new Middle School principal, I was deeply curious about how my current students were navigating the social world at Georgetown Day School. In all three approaches to making a friend, the absence of adult intervention is palpable. Middle school friendships can be one-sided, where one teen tries hard to please a friend and the more popular friend takes advantage of that. Video; Quiz & Worksheet ... from the elementary school she's attended for years to a big middle school. Is it always possible, or are some friendships destined to end? Brainstorm this and make a list. Search KidsHealth library. 17. 2. GDS is a school that strongly believes in students’ capacity to tolerate challenges and learn from failure. This video clip teaches students to be upstanders instead of bystanders. They exchanged no words, yet agreed to play with each other and that’s it. Try joining an after-school club or activity since making friends is easier when you enjoy the same things. Sign up to receive notifications of new posts by email. Have you and a friend ever drifted apart? Good friends help each other solve problems. I'd like to offer up a video playlist to remind all of us about the power of empathy, kindness, and human connections. Knowing how friendships may change, come to an end or strengthen can help your tween through the friendship challenges he or she will eventually face 18. So we asked experienced teachers to share their favorites—the punch-in-the-gut poems that always get a reaction, even from teens. It can be hard to know which poems will spur your middle and high schoolers into deep, meaningful discussion and which will leave them, ahem, yawning. Oct 30, 2018 - Explore Dawn Kelly Yeates's board "Friendship activities", followed by 789 people on Pinterest. You will never forget these memories. Is that true in your experience? You Are In Middle School. 7. For each situation given below, answer these questions: For K-1 students, we discuss 4 ways to make and keep friends. Do you think there’s something wrong with you if you aren’t part of the popular set? In my own years of teaching and working in middle schools, I find that middle schoolers are persistently on a quest to understand two existential questions: What is the social landscape of this school, and where do I fit in? When I asked them what does it mean to be a friend, they answered, “We spend time together, we hang out, and we talk about everything.”. It’s been said that the friends are family you choose, they are the one who stand by your side when you need them. •What is a positive way to deal with it? 4. Home / Athletics. There’s an old saying that goes “in order to have good friends you have to be a good friend.” What does that mean. To have good friends you must be a good friend. For Blake and David, they spend their advisory lunches together with a third friend; “cheer each other on” during a soccer game; hang out during recess; share inside jokes and poke fun at each other. Los Angeles, CA 90064. •  Saying No to Alcohol & Other Drugs How did you handle it? What was most meaningful to you in this video. And don’t try to portray yourself as something other than who you are, a precious daughter of the King! Here are some timeless friendship songs and links to available music videos, sample lyrics and music sheets to purchase in case you'd like to learn how to play the songs on your instrument. Mar 11, 2017 - Explore Errin Jennings's board "Middle School Quotes", followed by 274 people on Pinterest. i. While friendships can occasionally be difficult, tweens need friends and having friends will help them deal with all the challenges associated with middle school. ignugent17 on March 05, 2013: For sure kids will enjoy this lesson. 1. • Good friends give each other compliments. Are there any racial or ethnic barriers to friendship at your school? The theme of friendship is one we all can relate to and never tire of listening to. This material is from the teaching guide We may not have many videos about best friends but we certainly have a great videos about friendship. You find out your friend has been telling stories about you that aren’t true. 6. 4. Tell the child about the different kinds of friendships (good and bad) you had at this age, and the important things you’ve learned about friendship. (If you wish to copy or use any material from this website, please click here for Terms of Use. Encourage healthy middle school friendships. Are there kids here at school who get constantly excluded? a. Though they text often and snap chat, living far apart makes seeing each other more challenging. You find out your friend went swimming with someone else. How could you have handled it better? Throughout the years they remained best friends, talking every single day. Related Videos. Has a friend of yours ever been jealous of you? • That it’s good to be open to friendships with people who are different from us. Plan an activity where the entire class creates a friendship chain. Let’s see how you would handle some sticky situations that can happen in friendships. Watch a television program and write about one of the characters. They talked about how fragile relationships are in middle school and how easily one misstep can lead to the disintegration of a friendship. Anything they say to me, they know I will not tell people.”. Share your own friendship stories. Then, I put the pages together to create a class friendship book that the students can read and, ideally, use to make new friends. Option 2: Access to a computer connected to the Internet and installed with RealPlayer, for viewing the "Upfront and Honest in a Human Relations Group" video clip online. How do you do that? I realize that my mini-investigation was by no means scientific; students self-selected to come speak to me. The kids in the video talked about making space for their friends to go through changes. Love is an amazing quality. I was in awe at how clearly they could remember the moment they found connection with each other and how five to ten minutes of play time set the foundation of their friendship—a friendship that occurred serendipitously. 4. b. •  Respecting Others. Are friends more important to you now than they were in elementary school? How do you feel about it? Have you ever been excluded from a group? Don't forget to click on the green highlighted links and read the tips and warnings. Most people’s response to this question is a heartfelt, “no.” Researchers and laypeople describe middle school as a social quagmire that very few students have the capacity to navigate while simultaneously maintaining a sense of confidence and personal integrity. One girl in the video said that popular groups are sort of a whole big group of false friends. Remember, to have a good friend, you must be a good friend. What do kids think about friends and friendship? You can’t stage-manage a middle schooler’s friendships they way you could when he was in elementary school. Her friend was suspended for 10 days. Another became friends with other riders at a (horse) stable. What are the qualities that you appreciate most about this person? , or request them from your local library. See more ideas about friendship activities, healthy friendship, activities for teens. 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