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For instance he said that the KGB was not allowed to recruit members from Communist or other left wing parties. But, Kalugin's messages were destroyed because they contradicted the conspiracy theory fabricated by Andropov. After all, if Russia can wait for 10 years, then the US can wait for 25 years too !! So specific was the information that the FBI was quickly able to establish the source's credibility ... By the summer of 1993, the FBI had mobilized agents in most major cities to pursue the cases. You can download The Sword and the Shield: The Mitrokhin Archive & the Secret History of the KGB in pdf format [12][13][14], Unbeknownst to Kryuchkov and the KGB, while cataloging the documents, Mitrokin secretly took his own copies and immensely detailed notes of the documents which he smuggled to his dacha and hid under the floorboards. This proves that the director knew that the claims were not substantiated but that didn't stop him from using it in his movie. I say this because the CIA has a long history of overthrowing democratically elected govts and replacing them with puppet govts or dictators, indulging in proxy war, political assassinations, false flag operations, terror atttacks and more. Going by this logic, one can also say that the "economic reforms" of 1991 (Globalization, Liberalization) to make India a "capitalist" economy is proof of CIA's complicity in Shastri ji's murder !!! This line says it all - "Tum log kya samajhte ho? Not likely. For those who have been asleep for the last few months, the first volume of The Mitrokhin Archive was released in September 1999. They have NEVER lied !!! Bravo the KGB. Notes in the archive describe extensive preparations for large-scale sabotage operations against the United States, Canada, and Europe in the event of war, although none was recorded as having been carried out, beyond creating weapons and explosives caches in assorted foreign countries. The notes allege that some 35 senior politicians in France worked for the KGB during the Cold War. Or should I say, this is what we have been told. Andrew, Christopher, Vasili Mitrokhin (2000). It would have been a different story if Mitrokhin was able to smuggle out secret information once or twice. And guess what? When he defected to the United Kingdom in 1992 he brought the archive, in a full six trunks, with him. After the Second World War, links between Moscow and French Communists helped make France the biggest base for KGB spies in Western Europe throughout the Cold War, according to the Mitrokhin archive, the best available account of KGB activities. [62], The Andrew and Mitrokhin publications briefly describe the history of the PLO leader, Yasser Arafat, who established close collaboration with the Romanian Securitate service and the KGB in the early 1970s. MI-5 and MI-6. What happened in Britain is also very fascinating. The "Mitrokhin Archive" is a collection of handwritten notes made secretly by KGB archivist Vasili Mitrokhin during his thirty years as a KGB archivist in the foreign intelligence service and the First Chief Directorate. Transfer of about one hundred machine-guns, automatic rifles. As I said, the movie doesn't even attempt to answer this fundamental question. Actually, this film should be looked at as an R&D film of propaganda and psywar. The movie does not explicitly mention Indira Gandhi but hints that she was controlled by the KGB and thus her govt added the word 'socialist' to the Constitution. Indira Gandhi received millions from the KGB. Following the uproar caused by the allegations in Mitrokhin's book 'The Sword and the Shield', a parliamentary commission was set up in 2002 to investigate the claims that some Italian politicians were KGB agents and on KGB's payroll. During this period, he was not posted abroad again. Promotion of false John F. Kennedy assassination theories, using writer Mark Lane. Let's believe whatever they publish !! For years KGB operative Vasili Mitrokhin risked his life hiding top-secret material from Russian secret service archives beneath his family dacha. With this important background information, let us now re-examine the dialog bit by bit. [51] He convinced Imre Nagy and other Hungarian leaders that the Soviet government had not ordered an attack on Hungary while the attack was beginning. He then went to the British embassy and a young diplomat there saw his potential. Active Measures (Russian: Активные мероприятия) was a form of political warfare conducted by the Soviet security services (Cheka, OGPU, NKVD, KGB) to influence the course of world events, "in addition to collecting intelligence and producing politically correct assessment of it". This would help to get India away from Soviet Russia and into the western orbit in the cold war. "Uske baad Britain me aur Italy me Mitrokhin Commission bithaya gaya jiske baad jitne corrupt politicians the, leaders the unke against cases chale" [Translation: following which Mitrokhin Commission was set up in Britain and Italy. Promotion of false John F. Kennedy assassination theories, using writer Mark Lane. Thousands of leads from Mr. Mitrokhin's material have been followed up worldwide. Less than a week ago, I watched the Hindi movie 'The Tashkent Files'. [12][13], Notes in the Mitrokhin Archive claim that more than half of the Soviet Union's weapons are based on US designs, that the KGB tapped Henry Kissinger's telephone when he was US Secretary of State, and had spies in place in almost all US defense contractor facilities. Based on the above literature, I looked into the history of Russian active measures revealed in the Mitrokhin archive and assets identified in the Vassiliev notebooks and found that many of the known active measures exposed by these archives lined up with Nostradamus conspiracy theories related to the British author Erika Cheetham. So, to trust the Mitrokhin archives requires one to also place immense faith in the British intelligence agencies i.e. (Extract from Christopher Andrew and Vasili Mitrokhin, The Mitrokhin Archive: The KGB in Europe and the West, 2000) ... support of cover arrangements for an agent or asset in anticipation of inquiries or other actions which might test the credibility of his or its cover. But that's okay. For instance, the authors tell how the K.G.B. As far as Indian politicians are concerned, there's one politician who always mentions and quotes from the Mitrokhin's archive. [Translation: After the dissolution of the USSR in 1992] WRONG. !! The US, British and their Western European allies (NATO) were engaged in intelligence operations and proxy war against Soviet Russia and its Eastern European allies. Mitrokhin joined the MGB (as the KGB was known till 1953), the intelligence agency of Soviet Russia, in 1948 as a foreign intelligence officer. The Mitrokhin Archive - The KGB in Europe and the West Christopher Andrew, Vasili Mitrokhin. Hahahaha !! In addition, ISC thought, "misleading stories were allowed to receive wide circulation", and the Committee found that SIS had handled neither the publication nor related media matters appropriately. Further, the protagonist Ragini Phule states - "Mitrokhin ke report ko world ka best counter-intelligence report mana jata hai lekin India me.....ushhhh !!! ii. It's also important to look at the historical context: Following the defeat of the Axis powers (Nazis = Hitler, and the Japanese) in World War II, USA and Soviet Russia fought what came to be known as the Cold War. During the Prague Spring events in Czechoslovakia, Andropov was a vigorous proponent of "extreme measures". Is it just a co-incidence that the movie portrays the leadership of the Congress party as a slave of the Russians on the eve of the general elections? Had Mitrokhin photocopied the original documents and then handed those over to the Brits, then it's credibility would have been much higher. [Translation: After the dissolution of the USSR in 1992, Mitrokhin handed over 25,000 secret KGB documents to Britain following which Mitrokhin Commission was set up in Britain and Italy. [24], On September 2016, a work by two researchers (DR. Well, the movie makes sweeping remarks based on the questionable Mitrokhin archives or worse, based on nothing at all. When other Communist regimes later seemed at risk—in Prague in 1968, in Kabul in 1979, in Warsaw in 1981, he was convinced that, as in Budapest in 1956, only armed force could ensure their survival.[50]. I. Ginor and G. Remez) stated that Mahmoud Abbas (also known as 'Abu Mazen'), the President of the Palestinian National Authority, worked for the Soviet intelligence agency. In other words, the KGB's fiercest rival, the CIA, which was always looking for new ways to discredit the Russians and paint them as evil, did not buy what Mitrokhin was selling !! If Mitrokhin's story is to be believed, none of these security precautions were followed in the KGB. [24], Daniel Ortega agreed to "unofficial meetings" with KGB officers. [70] This information has been corroborated in general by GRU defectors, Victor Suvorov[71] and Stanislav Lunev. [64] However, the main KGB activities and arms shipments were channeled through Wadie Haddad of the PFLP organization, who usually stayed in a KGB dacha BARVIKHA-1 during his visits to the Soviet Union. Andrew, Christopher, Vasili Mitrokhin (2005). iii. Cookies help us deliver our Services. He had only made 5 movies in the last 15 years prior to the current one. Everything is fair game now (i.e. My name later appeared in the Mitrokhin Archive, as did Melita Norwood - the Granny Spy - but unlike her I have been largely ignored by those commentating on the history of espionage in the UK. Let me explain: The British intelligence services and the British govt chose NOT to prosecute anyone named in the Mitrokhin archives in a court of law. "These things do take place. Gullible Hindus support that individual to the extreme at the cost of facts. They also provide specifics about Guy Burgess, a British diplomat with a short career in MI6, said to be frequently under the influence of alcohol; the archive indicates that he gave the KGB at least 389 top secret documents in the first six months of 1945 along with a further 168 in December 1949. Agencies routinely pay people who can access information in a foreign country. There is a big difference between the two. And the book 'The KGB and the World: The Mitrokhin Archive II', which talks about KGB agents in India, was published in the year 2005. This fact alone shows that the MI6 themselves did not consider the Mitrokhin archives credible enough to prosecute or even question the alleged KGB agents. Within 10 years of Mr. Shastri's death, India was colonized again. [26][27][28], Andrew described the following active measures by the KGB against the United States:[41]. Yahaan sab chalta hai" [Translation: I'm done with this ethical shit. It's none other than Subramanian Swamy !! Following the death of Mitrokhin in 2004, Andrew wrote another book titled 'The World Was Going Our Way' which, among other things, details the secret operations of the KGB in India. [8] An Italian minister said that the archive "is not a dossier from the KGB but one about the KGB constructed by British counter-espionage agents based on the confession of an ex-agent, if there is one, and 'Mitrokhin' is just a codename for an MI5 operation. 2, The World was Going our Way). ; Discrediting of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), using historian Philip Agee (codenamed PONT). They created a credibility gap between Americans and their government, and fashioned the myth that the CIA could not be trusted. 1, the Sword and the Shield) and in the Third World (depicted here in vol. The timing of the release of this movie is also very interesting. The "Mitrokhin Archive" is a collection of handwritten notes made secretly by KGB archivist Vasili Mitrokhin during his thirty years as a KGB archivist in the foreign intelligence service and the First Chief Directorate. One of the tragedies of the Cold War is that many western communist spies, traitors to their own countries and dupes to one of the wo Quite recently a colleague told me that he resented a newspaper columnist who had referred to a relative of his as a communist spy. It doesn't take a great researcher to uncover this information as one can find all these facts, and more, by a simple Google search. I'd like to make it explicitly clear that this is just speculation. The defection was not officially announced until 1999. KGBs direct link to Prime Minister of India, Stirring up racial tensions in the United States by mailing bogus letters from the, Attempted poisoning of the second President of, In 1962, plans to assassinate several "particularly dangerous traitors," including. The Mitrokhin Archive is collection of notes made secretly by KGB Major Vasili Mitrokhin during his thirty years as a KGB archivist in the foreign intelligence service and the First Chief Directorate. The movie states that "KGB ke pure duniya me jitne spies the, usme sabse jyada spies India me the" [Translation: Of all the countries that KGB spied on, the most number of spies were in India]. The Mitrokhin Archive tells for the first time in full the startling story of Soviet attempts to infiltrate the West. The Committee expressed concern that the Secret Intelligence Service (MI6) knew the names of some spies years before the publication of the book, but took a decision, without informing the proper prosecuting authorities, not to prosecute them. Moreover, no one, however trustworthy, is allowed to work alone in a branch containing operational files. As you are about to see, there are multiple mistakes in just this one dialog !! Nobody is interested in facts. Christopher Andrew, the co-author of Mitrokhin's books, enrolled into the Security Service (MI-5) in 2003 !! So the hunters became the hunted !! Spy in the 1980s", "Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas 'was KGB agent, Audrey Gillan, "Ex-Editor dismisses spy claim", The Litvinenko murder: Scaramella - The Italian Connection, "2006: Speech in the European Parliament: Romano Prodi", Secrets From the Lubyanka - "The Sword and the Shield" Review. If Russia's motive to kill Shastri ji in 1966 was to make India a socialist state, then why did they wait for 10 more years to force India to add the word 'socialist' to the Constitution?!! on their own land? World ka best counter-intelligence report? But Mitrokhin started to cast doubts on the credibility of the foreign policy of his country. Shastri ji ke death ke 10 saalon ke andar India ko phir se colonize kiya gaya. And this is where the movie is so deplorable. The individuals outed by Mitrokhin appear to be what he says they were, but great care is generally taken to identify those who were unwitting dupes or, in many instances, uncooperative targets. This is what is known as PSYWAR. There are other problems with his story. USSR ceased to exist on 26 Dec 1991; not 1992. ii. ; Spreading rumors that FBI director J. Edgar Hoover was a homosexual. The main message the reader comes away with after plowing through almost a thousand pages is the same one gleaned from the earlier books: the Soviets were incredibly successful, albeit evil, spymasters, and none of the Western services could come close to matching their expertise. [Translation: Mitrokhin handed over 25,000 secret KGB documents to Britain] WRONG AGAIN. In other words, he had all this information but chose to do nothing with it !! He retired from the KGB in 1985. [82]", Scholar Amy Knight said that "While The Sword and the Shield contains new information ... none of it has much significance for broader interpretations of the Cold War. [1], The official historian of MI5, Christopher Andrew,[2] wrote two books, The Sword and the Shield (1999) and The World Was Going Our Way: The KGB and the Battle for the Third World (2005), based on material in the archives. The Mitrokhin Archive documents that the New York publisher of Joesten’s book, "Carlo Aldo Marzani," was a PGU agent (codenamed NORD), who for years had been subsidized by the PGU to produce pro-Soviet books. Please share this article among your friends and relatives. The book (co-authored by British intelligence historian Christopher Andrew) represents the first public crack at a motherlode of information provided by Vasili Mitrokhin, the former archivist to the KGB’s First Chief Directorate. Since the Pradhan Sewak [Translation: Prime Servant/helper (what the current Prime Minister calls himself)] hasn't removed the word 'socialist' from the Constitution, will Agnihotri call Modi a Russian puppet too??!! A few years later, he co-authored a book titled 'The Sword and the Shield' with Christopher Andrew, a British intelligence historian, based on his copied documents. Still, the overall impact of this volume is convincing, though none of the material will send historians scurrying to rewrite their books. And since most of the opposition leaders and intellectuals were in jail during the emergency period, she could get the amendment passed. Taking their word at face value would be as silly and ridiculous as trusting the word of Pakistan that India engages in cross-border terrorism in Pakistan !! A top secret meeting was called at Quantico [the … In other words, not a single person named in the Mitrokhin archives was sent to jail but the guy who tried to put them in jail eventually landed up there himself !! Would any country / intelligence agency want to kill a foreign leader on their soil and be blamed for it? But the KGB's main target, of course, was the United States.Though there is top-secret material on almost every country in … Large arms caches were hidden in many countries to support such planned terrorism acts. Let us now look at the story of Mitrokhin and his "archives" with a critical eye. I, "The Sword and the Shield". The books purport to provide details about many of the Soviet Union's clandestine intelligence operations around the world. Our intelligence and security agencies have assessed the value of Mr. Mitrokhin's material world wide as immense. But the KGB's main target, of course, was the United States.Though there is top-secret material on almost every country in … This kind of dialog-writing is so blatantly dishonest. in the Kennedy assassination. The Sword and the Shield is based on one of the most extraordinary intelligence coups of recent times: a secret archive of top-level KGB documents smuggled out of the Soviet Union which the FBI has described, after close examination, as the "most complete and extensive intelligence ever received from any source." Why did he not remove the word 'socialist' from the Constitution? Not even one political figure was exposed !! After a further meeting one month later with representatives of MI6, operations followed to retrieve the 25,000 pages of files hidden in his house, covering operations from as far back as the 1930s. Garrison gave up on the concept of a “homosexual thrill killing” since he now had “proof” of something much bigger through the Paese Sera articles. Generally, there has to be at least two persons present to prevent the possibility of one person taking advantage of his being alone for photocopying or photographing files. Hearings of the U.S. House of Representatives, 26 Oct 1999. The ISC interviewed Mitrokhin. But they used the material as a propaganda tool against their old enemy Russia. There are other agencies too] !!! The transfer of the massive archive eventually took over 12 years, from 1972 to 1984. Led by Carlos the Jackal, a group of PFLP fighters carried out a spectacular raid on the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries office in Vienna in 1975. He therefore decided to make copies of archives that passed into his hands. This dialog from 'The Tashkent Files' aptly describes the director Vivek Agnihotri - "I'm done with this ethical shit... Kisko chahiye facts? Of late, he has found some fame by targeting leftists, giving lip service to Hindu causes and taking on radical Muslims in TV debates. As B. Raman, founder member of R&AW, notes: "It is significant that MI-6 and MI-5, the internal Security Service, did not prosecute any of the persons named by Mitrokhin as KGB agents. In fact, he acknowledges this fact himself. ], Christopher Andrew states that in the Mitrokhin Archive there are several Latin American leaders or members of left wing parties accused of being KGB informants or agents. Years later, it was determined through evidence uncovered by researcher Paul Hoch in the Mitrokhin archive that the story may have been the product of the KGB propaganda machine. Their strategy included mass political repressions and establishing subordinate secret police services at the occupied territories. But Vivek Agnihotri calls this report "the world's best counter-intelligence report" !!! British Non-Ferrous Metals Research Association, President of the Palestinian National Authority, Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries, Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, "Cambridge Five spy ring members 'hopeless drunks, "Mitrokhin's KGB archive opens to public", KGB papers, kept secret since 1992, released by British archive, "Intelligence and Security Committee: The Mitrokhin Inquiry Report", "Advani seeks white paper on KGB charges", "Allegations in Mitrokhin Archives vague: Congress". [53], The book describes establishing the "Moscow Patriarchate" on order from Stalin in 1943 as a front organization for the NKVD, and later, for the KGB. According to a recently released document from the Mitrokhin Archive, entitled "KGB developments – Year 1983", Abbas apparently worked under the code name "Krotov", starting early 1980s. Agar Indians Mitrokhin archives padh le na, to civil war hojayega". [67] However, former FSB officer Alexander Litvinenko said that he had been informed by FSB deputy chief, General Anatoly Trofimov (who was shot dead in Moscow in 2005), that "Romano Prodi is our man [in Italy]". Vivek Agnihotri is a failed director and film maker. Active measures against the "Main Adversary" [edit | edit source] A few examples of active measures against the United States were described in the Mitrokhin Archive:. Christopher Andrew extends and amplifies the material encompassed within the archive to focus upon the counterintelligence efforts of the KGB both in Europe (vol. i. ; Discreditation of the CIA, using historian Philip Agee (codenamed PONT). "[9], In India, a senior leader of the Bharatiya Janata Party, L. K. Advani, requested of the Government a white paper on the role of foreign intelligence agencies and a judicial enquiry on the allegations in The Mitrokhin Archive II. [25] However, Leonov stated that he became friends with many Latin Americans including some leaders, and that he and other Soviets supported the struggles of left wing groups. The Mitrokhin Archive gives neither details about this alleged operation nor who I was supposed to have met in Lisbon. So does this mean that all PMs from 1976 are controlled by Russia? [78]", David L. Ruffley, from the Department of International Programs, United States Air Force Academy, said that the material "provides the clearest picture to date of Soviet intelligence activity, fleshing out many previously obscure details, confirming or contradicting many allegations and raising a few new issues of its own" and "sheds new light on Soviet intelligence activity that, while perhaps not so spectacular as some expected, is nevertheless significantly illuminating. on the 11th. But Vivek Agnihotri saw it fit to hide these facts !! Ever since the late 1940s, the Brits and the Russians were fighting on OPPOSITE sides. Yes, India became a colony again". It appears that this was the real intention behind making this movie while Shastri ji's death was reduced to a subplot. Also, the operational material matches western electronic intercepts and agent reports. So what's the problem with the movie? . In short, this is the story of Mitrokhin and his "archive". [52] Andropov ordered many active measures, collectively known as operation PROGRESS, against Czechoslovak reformers. The movie also doesn't explain why the Russians had chosen to kill Shastri ji in the Soviet Union i.e. In my opinion, this article proves that this movie was NOT so much a movie on Shastri ji's alleged murder but rather a Russia-bashing conspiracy theory. Here's the relevant dialogue from the movie: "Let's talk about motives now. In late 2006, the consultant Scaramella was arrested and charged with libel (defamation) after the wiretaps of phone calls between him and Senator Paolo Guzzanti were published by the Italian press, showing that the two planned to discredit various political opposition figures by claiming that they were KGB agents.

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